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An allergic response to pollen grains and similar substances is called hay fever. The two types of allergic rhinitis can be determined by the time it occurs. Seasonal rhinitis happens during pollination period. Perennial rhinitis happens at any moment of the year.

Although nonallergic rhinitis and are similar in symptoms, their reactions differ from each other. Tree pollens are the major causes of hay fever during spring time. Allergic reactions during summer may be caused by weed and grass pollen. Weeds cause problems in autumn. Meanwhile, fungus spores threaten from late March to November. Cross-reactions with indoor allergens may be common to people who have perennial hay fever.

The following symptoms are among the most common: coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and dermatitis. The type of allergen and the manner of exposure contribute to the type of symptoms an individual experiences.

E.G., dermatitis may occur when a person accidentally applies lotion which contains chemicals he is allergic to, or he may experience vomiting if he eats food he is allergic to, or he may have difficulty of breathing if he inhales pollen on the air. Some allergies are inherited. You are said to have atopy if this happens. Inherited allergy is more prone to develop in boys than girls and in babies who are born light weight. Mild, moderate, and severe are the levels of allergic reactions.

There are cases that are life threatening. This is called anaphylaxis. This condition is a medical emergency and must be addressed to immediately.

When using any type of drug, one must consider its possible effects. Some adverse effects due to the intake of drugs are quite hard to predict. This is why a person should be extra careful, although the instructions on the drugs are discreet. There are only minimal cases where a person suffers from serious outcomes when attacked by an allergy. However, experiencing several symptoms simultaneously can make one's life really miserable.

Some medications that are commonly used are more allergenic compared to other medications, based on several patients’ experiences. Some good examples of these drugs include anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillin, antibiotics in general and, of course, aspirin. Immunoglobulin E or IgE is responsible for an allergic response. However, if anti-inflammatory drugs and penicillin are taken at the same time, it may cause the same symptoms like an allergic response. Drugs such as vancomycin, intravenous x-ray dyes, paclitaxel, morphine, and ACE inhibitors are known to provide the same symptoms felt in an allergic response.


Nearly everyone can be affected by food allergies and food intolerances. Oftentimes, there are people who do not now that they have allergies. When they eat foods that give them unwanted reactions, they wonder.

About 33% of individuals claim that they acquired food allergy or they just control their food intake because a member of the family is believed to have affected by food allergy. When it comes to food allergies, 5% of the reported cases are children. Among teens and adults, 4% acquired food allergies.If you wish to figure out more details on Allergy symptoms and more information regarding other allergies like peanut allergy, Please read more information below.

Moreover, people are often mistaken with the difference of food allergies and food intolerances. This affects the difference of clinically diagnosed food allergy and the public perception of the problem. Food allergy happens when a person ingests a certain type of allergen and the antibodies in the immune system release histamines that cause the allergic reactions to take place. The immune system is responsible for the triggering of the allergic response to food allergies but not in intolerance. For example, a person who is allergic to milk is not the same as the person who is lactose intolerant.

Moreover, allergic complications such as sinusitis and bronchitis can occur. In fact, the risk of these complications increases during an exposure to secondhand smoke. According to research, a child growing in a family of smokers has a higher tendency to develop respiratory infections and asthma. An individual suffering from a smoke allergy is more sensitive to smoke than others.

Children and spouses of smokers are more likely to experience asthma and other respiratory infections than those of non smokers as show by a research. Smokers can harm the people around them. The toxic chemicals found in cigarettes are considered irritants.

The author publishes reviews, critiques, and informative contents about allergies. Do you wish to learn more about Allergy symptoms? Get answers directly from the writer who basically encountered several allergic reactions since childhood years.