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What is Fildena 100mg?

Fildena 100mg contains an active ingredient Sildenafil which is FDA-approved medication used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. After being introduced in 1998, Fildena 100mg became the most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. fildena 100 purple is a fast-acting medication that can last up to four hours. It works well for men at any age, regardless of how long the patient has been having issues getting and maintaining an erection.


How Fildena 100mg or Fildena 50mg acts?  

how to take fildena or Fildena 100mg directions Sildenafil Citrate as its main constituent helps in relaxing the blood vessels for smooth blood flow into erectile tissues of male genital by inhibiting PDE-5 enzymes. This enzyme diminishes the blood flow in erectile tissues in male reproductive organ. After induction of c-GMP, nitric oxide inactivates the enzyme and blood flow is increased through male reproductive organ enhancing its erectile function.


How you should take Fildena 100mg or Fildena 50mg tablet?

Safest and effective dose of Fildena 100mg or Fildena 50mg viagra is taken 1hour prior sexual activity. is fildenafda approved | Fildeana 100mg can be taken with or without food and is effective if taken with low fatty meal. Fat containing meals reduces the effectiveness and bioavailability of drug. fildena 100mg price tablet is taken via the oral route along with sufficient amount of water. See the best fildena 100mg reviews at online.


Dosing schedule of Fildena 100mg /50mg tablets:

The most recommended dose of Fildena is 50mg. fildena 100 mg chewable is present as a tablet dosing form and it should be taken orally with a large amount of water. Take one fildena 100 canada one hour before getting involved in the sensual activity in a sensually excited state. Keep a gap of 24 hours between two doses as it takes 4 to 5 hours for the drug to start eliminating from the body.


Missed Dose

 No effect is seen in case of missed dose of fildena 100mg usa or Fildena 50mg as it is required according to your need.



chest pain, tachycardia and bradycardia (uneven heartbeat), Painful and prolonged erection is the main effect of fildena 100mg for sale overdose. In this condition you should consult your doctor and get medical help from your nearest hospital.


How should it be stored?

It is advisable to protect the drug from moisture and store in its original package.

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