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Story Lady Publications

Welcome to Story Lady Publications. We are an internet-based publishing company. We offer an ongoing series of pamphlets (pocket-sized booklets) that can be read in an hour and that tell you exactly as much as you need to know on an eclectic range of topics - no more and no less.

The price is $4-$6 each or $10-$12 for sets, plus shipping and handling. All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Dry Mixes
Recipes of dry mixes for cookies, cakes, brownies, bars, spices and more. Store the mixes in airtight containers in a cool dry place. When ready to use, add eggs and oil or whatever the recipe calls for.

Deer Recipes
Venison has a distinctive flavor and has 1/3 the calories of an equivalent serving of beef. Here are 66 recipes to make with deer meat.

Halloween Party Games
A collection of party games for Halloween. There are games for all ages.

Valentine Party Games
Every February 14th, we celebrate Valentine's Day. The holiday originated from a touching love letter that St. Valentine sent to his sweetheart. If he could only see the extent to which we celebrate the holiday today...classroom parties, dances, sweetheart balls...he'd be quite impressed with himself! To pay tribute to our loved ones, and those we really like, here are 46 fun game ideas.

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