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NOV 5, 2008 // BOTCHED IS BORN! - Now we start mass recruiting.
Welcome, before you apply please read and make sure you've come to the right place.

What is Botched?
Botched is a guild built by in game friends who have been playing together for years. Between all the founding members we've seen bosses from Molten Core all the way up to Illidan. Most of the founders have been playing World of Warcraft since it's release in November 4 years ago so we are quite familiar with the game and multiple classes. Our overall goal is to dominate the PVE aspect of the game in Wrath of the Lich King. Ever since Warcraft 3 we've wanted to stand face to face with Arthas and Wotlk presents us that oppertunity. However, this is where you all come in.

What can I expect from Botched?
You can expect to down content at a good pace, we are not pushing to be world first at anything, but we certainly don't want to sit back and wait for strategy after strategy to pop on bosskillers before we pull a boss. We will proceed until we reach the end and we will kill Arthas. Do not expect us to micro manage your character for you, do not expect us to hold your hand and escourt you out of the fire on the ground so you don't die.

What does Botched expect from me?
We expect you to show up on time to raids ready to go. We expect you to maintain a certain amount of respect for our guild members and others. We expect you to leave all bullshit non-raiding related drama at the door. We expect you to take your shit/piss/smoke break before the raids. We expect you to have a decent enough computer to actually be able to function with 25 people in the raid and have vent running at the same time.

Are you guys Assholes?
Yes. No, but seriously, yes. Everyone knows that gamers aren't exactly known for their tactfulness or their socially exceptable conversations, but truthfully, if you are on trial and you are doing something wrong, we will tell you. It might not be the nicest way, but hey, we're all socially retarded so it's okay, right? We may be assholes, but we are fair, we will tell you to fix a problem and if it doesn't get fixed we will (as nicely as possible) ask you to step out of the raid so we may proceed without you.

Thinking of you,