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My inspiration in life comes from many areas. God, Christ, and Music, to name a few.

Unfortunately, many decisions that I have made on my journey have created and caused
for a very stressfull life.  When times seem to overwhelm me, I turn to my insperation for peace.

I have strong Christian ethics and a sometimes a much too tender Heart and Spirit.  I have witnessed many Miracles in my life and have a strong testemony of the power of Christ and the Power of Prayer.

I have a gift of song writing and compossing.  I do write Christian Music, however the majority
 of the music inwhich I write comes from either Life Experience, or sometimes from what I see in other peoples lives, and at times, even from idea's that pop into my head. I have a very creative Spirit, and am most comfortable in those moments when I am creating music.


This site will contain many area's; including things I wish to share about myself, my music, random thoughts, Etc.  There are no agenda's here.....only Truth, Peace, and Inspiration.


                                               WE ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION   (C) 2010


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