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I became very intrigued by the use of sexuality in music videos during one of the lectures in my Pop Culture and Rhetoric class. Music videos are a dominant part of today's popular culture, and a large majority of them feature scantily clad women and the use of sexual imagery. 

The research portion of my project focuses in particular on various methods that artists use to portray their own sexuality as well as the sexuality of others featured in their videos. Artists use methods such as sexual metamorphosis, sexual power, as well as the fulfillment of sexual fantasies in order to create more buzz about their videos and attract more viewers and fans.

The creative portion of my project is not intended to be taken very seriously. I love writing shallow poems, so I decided to write a cheesy poem called "Dancing Dreams" that shows the pressure of sexual conformity that gets placed on many artists and dancers in music videos. 

I thoroughly enjoyed researching this particular topic. There is an additional video that addresses the use of females and sexuality in music videos that I found very interested. Here is a link, if you're interested. :)