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The inspiring blog 6039
Thursday, 1 August 2019

Foreclosure is a scary time! Your world is literally upside-down. You’re not sure if you are going to get through it and you are most likely scared for your immediate family, especially if you have children. Well, if you live in DC, MD, or VA you are in luck! I would like to introduce you to Page Property Investors, LLC. Page Property Investors, LLC will help you sell your house fast! They will pay off your past due balance to get you caught up, they’ll continue making future payments on your behalf and they will stop the foreclosure process by using their various program options. There’s no fees and no commissions, so you can put more cash in your pocket! Page Property Investors, LLC is ready, willing and able to offer you a fair offer for your house. Contact them today to find out how the process works at and you will be happy that you did!

Now that you know more about our friends over at Page Property Investors, LLC and the amazing service that they offer for people in Maryland, Virginia or Washington, DC, now feel free to read our article about Home Foreclosure. Upon completion, head back over to their website to see how much they can offer you for your home.

If you neglect to make your mortgage payments to your lender, foreclosure of your premises might occur. Do not quit paying your debts, and don’t wait until you cannot make payments before you act. Not paying anything, is only going to hurt your credit more. Many banks and private lenders will offer different repayment programs. Do not wait around until it is too late! Take action and do your research to find out what is our there to get you out of your financial jam. Assuming you make all of the necessary payments up to the close of the repayment program, you’ll avoid foreclosure and keep your property.

The foreclosure procedure is not very hard to comprehend. In general, completing the foreclosure procedure can take from 6 months to over a year. Quite simply, even in the event that you begin the process in 2019, you won’t home foreclosure gain from any of the law’s exceptions in the event the transaction occurs in 2020, unless there’s a written agreement entered into in 2019. The banks tend to take a long time to get a foreclosed home off of their books. There’s a lot of things that have to happen before your home is completely taken away from you.

If you need to foreclose on a house, the procedure is somewhat complicated and the steps have to be followed exactly, or the entire process might have to be repeated. If you’re on the lookout for a home to reside in, an auction is most likely not the best way to go in most cases. You can list your house with a realtor, but that can take time. You may not have to move from your house right away after a foreclosure sale. Many times, there is a period of time before you must vacate the premises, but this varies from state to state.

In the event the homeowners are in the middle of a foreclosure, a Chapter 7 filing will block the foreclosure process. For this to happen, the individual must be living in the property that is in foreclosure, and all borrowers listed on the note must agree to participate in mediation. The homeowner won’t qualify if they’re in bankruptcy. So, the homeowners get to continue living in their residence and keep their cars, along with certain other assets. Chapter 7 is very complicated, and you should consult an attorney before ever considering filing for it.

If the foreclosure is going forward, the lending company will file foreclosure documents in a neighborhood court. The lender would have to file a lawsuit with the court and prove that they have taken the necessary steps to remedy the situation and collect any debts still owed to them. The home will usually bid out at the auction and the debtor is still responsible for the balance due plus any foreclosure costs. As stated earlier, this is a long drawn out process, so you should make every effort to settle the matter long before it ever reaches this point.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about Home Foreclosure. Now that you are finished, it is time to head back over to the Page Property Investors, LLC website if you live in VA, MD, or DC and are facing a foreclosure. They have many programs to help you out and they can take a lot of stress off your back in the process!

Posted by stephenjbdb539 at 2:25 AM EDT
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