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Wednesday, 10 October 2007
SITE RUBIX - Breaking News
Mood:  cool
Topic: web development
Hey there,

As you know Site Rubix is going to be launched at 11:00 AM EST! BUT... We have some even bigger news for you!

We told you that we were going to give you a present.. and here it is...

We are giving you Site Rubix for FREE.

That's right, we are offering Site Rubix as part of Wealthy Affiliate program as of October 9th, 2007!

Take a deep breath...we are telling you the truth here. We have spent the last year developing this amazing tool for YOU, and on Tuesday, October 9th at 11:00 AM EST you will be able to login to Wealthy Affiliate and gain instant access to the full Site Rubix system!

As an affiliate, you should realize how easy it is going to be to sell people on the idea of a site builder like this as it includes not only Site Rubix but everything else offered at WA.

SITE RUBIX IS GOING TO BE PART OF WA! There will be NO Extra Fees, NO one-time costs...

This is the launch of something that will truly shock the industry. Internet marketers and businesses are not going to know what hit them! Now you can get everything you need online within ONE place and the price of WA is going to stay the same at $29.99/mth!

This is just the beginning though!

sign up now at


Posted by stargate03 at 12:10 PM EDT
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