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What would summer, weddings, proms, valentines days, and anniversaries be without flowers? Flowers symbolize life. All flowers come from the kingdom Plantae. Imagine how many animals and insects wouldn't be in existance if it weren't for plants. Our world would not be in existance because plants give us the nutrients and oxygen that we need to survive. Different types of plants need differents types of climate conditions. Most plants grow the best in sunny or partially sunny areas in well draining soils. Diseases of flowers include stem rot, leaf spot, mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus which is transmitted by aphids or "plant lice". We use importing and exporting of goods, like plants, to provide the world with the types of nutrients we need. Each type of flower has a different meaning, so if you give someone a flower, it is like telling them how you feel depending on which type of flower you give them. This website will introduce seven different types of flowers displaying the characteristics of each. You will learn about specific climates for different plants, diseases they can recieve, and many interesting facts about each flower.

By Sierra Schell