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Self Care For Massage Therapists

This page is about self care for massage therapists. So often as caregivers, we worry about our clients, but do not think about our own needs. These practitioners are on their feet all day long so their feet and legs need treatment.

If they are not using proper body mechanics, their backs and shoulders are hurting. Lugging tables and chairs for an outcall practice can cause sore arms, shoulders, and backs. The actual practice of massage strokes requires a lot of energy and strength. This can cause arm and hand pain.


Massage therapists give of themselves all day long. I have given five one hour full body massages in a row with no break in between except to change sheets and wash my hands. It is exhausting.

Let me clarify before you start e-mailing me. A massage therapist should never schedule this sort of day. This happened when I was an intern at massage school. The school scheduled the day for me so I could complete my requirements for certification. Then the next day, I had to go back and do three more in a row and I was finally finished. It really is exhausting. Always allow yourself breaks and time to relax your muscles and feet in between long appointments.

It is difficult to give that fifth client the same amount of intensity and concentration that the first client got, yet it is expected. Employers and massage schools do not care that you are tired and you need to sit down and rest.

They expect you to keep up and give your all or find a new profession. Been there, done that and the bottom line is the almighty buck, not you, the people giving the massages, that matters to them.

I am sorry, but we are human beings, not machines. We need to hydrate our bodies with water and juices, have a snack, sit down, and even use the facilities once or twice during a five or six hour shift.

So, body workers, for your own health, once every one to two weeks, treat yourselves to a full body massage. Schedule it in on your planner. Have a chair massage in between these full body sessions. And if you work for a body sweatshop, build your own practice and get out of there before you burn out!


Learn about main factors of skin aging to decide what you can do to slow down the aging process.



Perhaps you and another body worker can give massage to each other so you can save money.

 Maybe you can work this out with one of your massage school classmates. Get together and trade massages with each other at least once or twice a month.



Make sure that you eat a healthy diet, one with lean proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables. Exercise three to five times a week. Doing so will help you to build the stamina you need for multiple massage sessions.

Don't forget that self care for massage therapists also means to relax during your time off and enjoy your favorite hobby such as reading, painting, sewing, or gardening in your backyard.


Remember that practicing self care for massage therapists will lengthen your career time!