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Countdown until Obama leaves Office



Let's do a little background ck on the "HILLARY" before election time in November 2016

One of her mentor's Saul Alinsky was a communist.

Another early mentor in the "Messiah's" life [socialist] Saul Alinski He taught “Alinsky Rules for Radicals” Hillary wrote her College thesis on the good old Saul

But Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, credits Obama for “learning his lesson well” from the Communist guru

And helping him preach this methodology was Mike Kruglik. Chicago community organizer and close personal friend

Three good buddies of the Messiah: Terrorist "William Ayers" <-> <> Rashid Khalidi a confessed domestic terrorist <> And the Jail Bird "Tony Rezko" <->

Obama's Pastor: Rev. "Jeremiah Wright" <--> <-> Who will ever forget his 20 yr friendship with Reverend Wright????? He doen't remember his sermons HA

The "Reverend" by the way has been a guest at the White House



Hey you Smokeblowers the "Messiah" lies. The Messiah and his stooges are attempting to RE WRITE the Constitution and change this Republic into a Socialist State

Here are some of the "Clowns

Specifically:The Messiah's Attorney General Questioniable at best and of course he who forgot to pay his taxes

The "FANNY & FREDY" boys -- Even Michelle questions these loonies ---

<--> NO!<-> let's take take a peek at some <-> the Radicals "Van Jones"-

-John Holdren <-> Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel <-->

And the Messiah has more of his Radical friends who advise him on how to fundamentally change the United States of America


How much more of the Stimulus Bill, Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Cash for Klunkers, increase of your taxes and Lies, Lies, Lies and more Lies will it take for you'all to clear the smoke away?????


Last Update May 2, 2010
