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Clare Edwards happens to just found that her parents are going to get a divorce and she was getting tired of her parents, Helen Edwards, and Randall Edwards arguing constantly and her sister happens to be in Kenya and she never really that well along with her sister. She really wishes that she happens to be best friends with Ali Bhandri and also Jenna Middleton also and she happens to be very good friends with KC Gutherie but she is not a popular person at all. Clare is just having a hard time accepting that her parents marriage is over and she seems to believe that she happens to be the cause of the all the argument among her friends and she wished that she could be some be able to keep her parents together. She also though that her parents would be the parents that would always stay together and that there is no way because she remember her parents telling her and her sister that they should wait until they are married to the guy before they would have sex with the guy and also that divorce is wrong and she used to be a Christian. Clare  end up meeting Eli who she is not sure if she could be able to trust him and she will eventually be able to trust him and she would be able to tell him about what is going on with her parents. She is going ended up having a crush on him but she cannot be able to tell Eli about how she fells because she has a boyfriend and his name happens to be Mark Fitzgerald and she thinks that Fitz loves her but she eventually will found that it was far from the truth. Clare will eventually become scared of ending her relationship because she is scared of how Fitz is going to react if she would break up because she knows that he seems to have alot of mood swings and she happens to be scared who Fitz will do if she breaks up with him and during time she thinking of ending things with Fitz gets she gets closer to Eli and she ended up founding out the truth about Eli's dark past. She will seek help from Eli with ending of her relationship with Fitz because she will realizes that she and Fitz were not meant to be and she wants to be with Eli also.  Eli Goldsworthy happens to just move to Degrassi with his parents, Bullfrog Goldsworthy and Cece Goldsworthy and plus it has been almost two year since the death of his girlfriend, Julia who was had been run off by a car after an argument on April 22, 2009, and he remembers that that day. He has a hard time to just let Julia go because he knows that he needs to move with his life and his mom really worried about him and she wants her old son back and she wants him to be happy and to come to realize that the death of his girlfriend happens to be dead.  Eli keeps everything that he remembers of his girlfriend and his old life and he could be able to get raid of it and he has all of the stuff in his room and he doesn't let anyone in his room because that is where is he keeps all of the things that remembers him of his old girlfriend, Julia and he knows that his girlfriend is bead or that is what he thinks. He  will eventually found that his girlfriend, Julia really is not dead and that she had faked her dad and he come to realize that he never truly loved her and he winds up ending things with her for good and he knows that she is going to try everything possible to get him back. Eli will develop a crush on Clare, he will come to truth her and he will tell her about his past and about what happened to his girlfriend and he tells her that she could not tell anyone about what happened to his girlfriend. He would also ended up telling her about his girlfriend, Julia still being alive once he does found out the truth and he he will eventually be able to tell Clare the truth about his feelings for her and that will after Clare ends things with Fritz. Eli  thinks that Clare is one of the most pretty girls that he has seen and he come to see that Clare does care about what People would think of her and he ends having her screaming at the top of her lungs. He will care about her and when he notices that someone will came after her then he would ended up becoming protective of her and he doesn't want to see anything bad happen to Clare and he doesn't want to loose her at all. Clare and Eli will start off as friends and they will flirt with each other  and  their friends are going to see Clare and Eli happens to have feelings for each other. They try to convince their friends that they don't have feelings for each other and that they are always going to be friends with each other but their friends will not buy what they are telling them. Clare and Eli will continue to flirt with each other unitl they became a couple and but hey will not became a couple once Clare ends things with Fitz and Eli will ends things with Julia. They  both would know that they are meant to be and they could never do anything that is going to ended up hurting the other one . Clare and Eli starts to notices that Fitz and Julia are wanting to have revenge on them and they would ended up becoming very scared of it and plus Bullfrog will try almost anything to help out Fitz and Julia. They knows they need to figure how they are  going to be able to stop Bullfrog, Fitz, and Julia form hurting them and they are not sure if they could call the police and tell them what is going on. Clare and Eli knows that they need to do something and they need to make that Fitz, Bullfrog, and Julia will not win because they knows there no one is going to tear them apart from each other because their love for each other happens to be strong.   They know that they will be abel to conquer anything and they also know that they do have people that are going to back them up and be able to help to bring down Fitz, Bullfrog, and Julia.