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Three Best Natural Masks For Your Mane

Diverse mane troubles can deprive your confidence. If you need to decrease dandruff, hair loss, breakage and greasy hair, you need completely check out these simple homemade remedies provided by the top stylists at the shaving kit.


#1 Moisturizing remedy

Over dryness provokes dandruff and scratching. Want to resolve this trouble? You can do it in a very easy way and decrease dandruff after the first usage of a natural coconut mask. Heat a ½ cup of a coconut oil in a microwave, chafe it on the scalp and on mane as well. Await for approximately 1 hour and then just wash it away with an ordinary shampoo. Recur the procedure 2 times per week before shampooing - it will be enough to make the scalp moisturized and lessen dandruff for 100%.


#2 Strengthening remedy

If you suffer from  hair loss and breakage you need straighten mane and scalp with a very simple remedy: combine a ½ glass of coconut oil with a ½ glass of castor oil, heat the oils in a microwave and then rub it on a scalp. Wait up for 2 hours to let the oils soak up and then rinse it out. Even after the first usage, you won’t see much hair in the bath. Recur the procedure before every showering.


#3 Remedy to prevent greasy hair

It is very counterintuitive, but daily washing is a reason of greasy mane. The first thing you should do is to decrease daily washing and apply the drying mask before every washing 2 times per week. Blend a ½ cup of coconut oil with 3 teaspoons of tea tree oil, add 3 tablespoons of a lemon juice. As usual, warm the mixture in a microwave and then chafe it on the scalp. Coconut oil will hydrate it and tea tree oil with a lemon juice will softly take out the oil and calm your head.


The natural hair care  is extremely nutritious and simple, so if you want to recover hair - just try to proceed these pieces of advice and the result will surprise you! Be trendy and confident with a healthy and strong hair!