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Facebook , in particular , outdid other social media as a location for honoring the King's birthday . Usually , people today shared the teachings , stories and old images of the King , such as those taken six years ago during celebrations of the 60th anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne . However , yesterday , probably the most shared pictures was a beautiful picture of the so called Sea of Yellow , which displayed how many people showed up to give their support to the King . Facebook users shared pictures they had received from the media and even pictures they taken from their TV screens .


One Facebook user stated she was so happy that she wished to stop time . "Long Live the King . This is an important day which makes Thais united as one . I desire I could stop time , as all Thais love the King just the same ," she posted .

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra posted her pictures and the transcript of her address and wishes presented during yesterday's ceremony .

Although Facebook posts were more informative , Twitter had more up-to-the minute updates . The timeline flowed quickly just before 10am , the scheduled time of His Majesty's presence at the venue . The updates took with tweeple portraying the atmosphere of the celebration from occasionally , in Bangkok and in the provinces , plus their well wishes and comments or promises to follow in his footsteps .

The study showed Facebook stays the top social network , but other social media sites are emerging and catching on .

Facebook remains the most-visited social network in the US via PC ( 152 .2 million visitors ) , mobile apps ( 78 .4 million users ) and mobile web ( 74 .3 million visitors ) .

Additionally it is the top US web brand with regards to time spent , as some 17 percent of time spent online via personal computer is on Facebook .

However , it said Pinterest emerged as "one of the breakout stars" in social media for 2012 , boasting the largest year-over-year increase in both unique audience and time spent of any social network across PC , mobile web and apps .

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