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Welcome! You've reached the sales site of Namine, Solbird, and Oddball Oreo on Aywas! 

In the Snagem Castle Age's (Our lair in ID #702) we have many, MANY residents. Some are loved, some are favorites...and others we'd want to go to better homes. That's where you, the wandering user, come in; you can sort through the pretties that we have and take them home if you wish.

The pets listed in here range in rarity from Commons to Admin Distributed (ADs) and vary from locations such as the Beach or the Seasonal Shop. This means that Ay and Ara pets are sorted by location, not by species group!

If you would like to message us about one or more of the pets for sale or trade that you are interested in, just shoot us a private message over Aywas. We're very nice, and like to chat about anything and everything under the stars.

While GP/BP are very nice to have in stock we can also do trades for equal value (or somewhat lesser value if you offer something pretty or shiny in exchange) and part-item or all-item trades as well. (Items, however, have to amount to an equal value of the pet(s) being asked for).

So don't be shy~! Come on in and take a look around~!