*Snap.   Fade back in.   Immediately right where we left off the last time we saw our hero "God's Gift to Wrestling" SmirtDogg.  Pretend this is the Young and the Restless or more like General Hospital with the beatings good ole' Smirt has planned for his future opponents.   Any ways, it's the typical cliffhanger Friday episode which has left you all hanging.  Now as we flip over to the 'Monday episode', so to speak, the saga continues - the mystery revealed.*



????: (voice over the cell phone)  BOY, I ought to slap you upside your head.



Kelvin Hailey:  MOM.........!?!?!  (wavering voice, tinny, not exactly the person he wants to be conversing with right now.  He covers up the phone in his hands for a moment gathering his thoughts) 'Wood, 'scuse me, pod-nah.  (gesturing to the studio's control boards)  See what sh*t you can come up with.   You never know, you could be the next Master P.....



*The thought hasn't even been completed and he's already out of the door creating space away from Haywood.  With the phone still set to the speaker option, we continue to eavesdrop*



Brenda Hailey   Did you put me on HOLD?  I AM YOUR MOTHER!  You WILL listen to what I have to say.   It's like Bill Cosby said.   "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.   And it don't make no difference to me, I'll make another one look just like you."




http://images.beautyriot.com/photos/alfre-woodard-short-curly-brunette.jpg  (Brenda Hailey bears a striking resemblence to Alfre Woodard.  You can go to this link for a visual.)



*He's now outside on the winding stair case over-looking the San Francisco Bay.  The waters are choppy, turbulent.   A stiff, brisk wind nearly topples him from off the platform.   Storm clouds encroach on Paradise Cay, much as they're gathering mightily for a certain someone right now.   Peering into the nebulous, dusk sky he slowly removes his patented midnight black sunglasses unveiling captivating dare I even say compassionate emerald eyes*



Kelvin Hailey:  *in a pleading tone*   Look, Mom, I know you're mad at me but....



Brenda Hailey: *sharply cutting off her son*   MAD?   *lowering her voice ever slightly* I'd be mad if I sent you out for groceries and you came back empty handed or worse yet with a bottle of alcohol.  *raising her voice an octave once again* MAD, KELVIN ANTHONY HAILEY, MAD is completely forgetting me on the day I gave birth to you!   No phone call.   No gift.  No acknowledgement.  Not even one of those sentimental tear jerking HALLMARK cards.   



Now you've done that, Kelvin.   Forgotten me on the day I went through hell and agony, just so you can walk around and be "God's Gift to this" and "God's Gift to that."   This was not the way I raised you.    These are not the moral and religious values I instilled in you.   *through the anger, immense hurt becomes evident for the first time*   WHERE *voice breaking* WHERE DID I FAIL YOU?



Kelvin Hailey:   *Cell phone in his left hand; he has a tight grip on the railing in front of him as lightning cracks in the horizon.  You can sense the delusion and desperation in his voice*  But don't you see, Mom, I didn't fail you.   I didn't; quite the contrary I'm the most successful - the most well known professional wrestler EVER!   



*attempting to win his mother over* Don't you see.   Don't you see that it was because of you - I was able to achieve everything that I did.   You demanded that I got a top notch education and I did just that only through you.  Your working two full time jobs - one as a hospital ward clerk and the other as a short order cook.  I don't know how you did it but you were able to put me through Monmouth University on those meager salaries.   You DIDN'T FAIL....



Brenda Hailey:   NO YOU DID!  YOU FAILED ME!   He....*voice cracking* was your BROTHER.   *voice breaks; shattering like glass into a million tormented pieces*   YOUR VERY OWN BROTHER!  MY FIRST BORN BABY!    HOW DARE YOU!   HOW DARE YOU PAL AROUND WITH HIS MURDERER LIKE YOUR BEST FRIENDS!  



*screaming*  ISRAEL KILLED YOUR BROTHER, KELVIN AND YOU HAVE HIM RELEASED FROM PRISON!!!   HE MURDERED MARCUS AND YOU DON'T CARE.....*losing all sense of composure*   YOU'RE NO SON OF MINE!!!! *immediately gasps in horror of the hatred she just displayed for her own son*



*The sky opens up; a torrential downpour ensues.   Each particle that pelts him feels like the dagger which has just been stuck clear through his heart.   Rolling his right hand into a fist and pounding it soundly against the railing - a resounding echo amplifies throughout Paradise Cay.  Flipping the sunglasses back over his eyes and with that ever so menacing sneer, he reacts the only way we've ever known him to.  Shocking that it's to his own mother, but when has doing the controversial thing stopped him before?*



Kelvin Hailey:   NO SON OF YOURS?!?  FINE.   Who needs you any way, bitch?   Where was this mama cub act when it was me who was nearly killed.   When it was me lying paralyzed in a hospital bed thanks to your oh so precious Marcus who orchestrated the whole thing.   WHERE WERE YOU THEN, HUH, MOM?   HUH?  HUH?   *pauses for a moment, only sobs can be heard on the other end of the line*    What's the matter cat got your tongue?   Since you've gone all mute and shit which I prefer you that way instead of your incessant screeching - I'll answer the question for you.  






You blamed and never forgave me for Marcus being put onto Death Row even though he placed both me and himself in that situation.   It was his fault that gun went off.  Not mine, it never would have been in my hand if it wasn't for him.   So yeah, he got what he deserved then and he got what he deserved now.   Marcus always was your favorite son and I always had to live in his shadow in your eyes.   Not any more.  I'm not playing this game.   Go ahead and cry for him.   Boo freaking hoo.   Get all those tears out.   Me?  I won't even shed one tear for that bastard.   I've grown bored of this conversation so let me end it like I would with anyone else who cut at my last raw nerve.



Au Revoir, Mom.   Why don't you go ahead and lose this number?



*Camera angle expands to reveal that Haywood Jublome has been listening in on at least some of this conversation from the front entranceway.   Kelvin Hailey has now just noticed him.  Their eyes lock in on one another as Brenda Hailey has finally pulled herself together enough to utter the following ultimatum, with a stern authoritative voice*



Brenda Hailey:   Kelvin, it's EITHER ISRAEL OR ME.  Choose Israel and I will disown you -  that I can promise you.   So choose wisely.



*For once, Kelvin is rendered speechless.  The cell phone slips out of his hand, crashing and breaking into a million pieces against the ground.  Haywood heads for Kelvin but it's of no use as he's already taken off down the winding stair case like a man on a mission.  Through clasps of lightning bolts a determined Kelvin Hailey commandeers the docked speedboat.   He guns the engine and jets off.   With waves crashing about, Kelvin only makes them worse by proceeding to max out the water vehicle's speed.  The speed boat is taking on more and more water before Kelvin brings it to an abrupt halt in the middle of the San Francisco Bay with the Golden Gate Bridge serving as the backdrop.  As thunder roars and the night's sky turns a halo-esque white light above the iconic illuminate red of the Golden Gate Bridge, Kelvin Hailey pulls out a picture from his wallet.   It's of brothers Marcus, Kelvin and Mom Brenda during happier times.   The two brothers are young boys before, well, before everything.   Kelvin Hailey shakes his head, momentarily wipes what may be a tear from out of his eye and then RIPS THE PICTURE IN HALF.   He then releases his hold on the two halves of the picture and lets nature have its way with it.  Soon enough its floating at the surface of San Francisco Bay and as the picture of the Mom and two brothers - The Hailey Family - as this picture sinks to its watery abyss, the following haunting words are said.*



SmirtDogg:   Now I've got nothing holding me back.....



*Fade to black on this scene and on Kelvin Hailey*