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3 Small Business Marketing Mistakes You Can't Afford To Make

Running a small business is hard. And convincing cold prospects to give your product or service a try is even harder. What's more, too many small business owners don't know what to add to their Small Business Marketing to make it "pop". As a result they wind up making a few crucial mistakes that kills any chance they had of adding new customers.

So in today's article I'm going to talk about the three most common mistakes you can't afford to make in your small business marketing campaigns.


Let's dive in. 3 Common Small Business Marketing Mistakes:

1. Being Boring.

You'd agree that getting someone's attention is harder than ever, right? This is because you and I, and everyone else is bombarded by hundred (and sometimes even thousands) of messages every single day. So it's only normal that we have to put some kind of filter on this, or else we'd constantly be distracted.

That said the best way to get someone's attention (especially when they don't know you) is to be a bit entertaining. Do something that is a tad bit shocking. Or surprise your target. But nonetheless, do not be boring. The moment your marketing piece is a sleeper is the moment it gets tossed in the hopper.

2. Cutting Your Sales Message Short.

Claude Hopkins said a long time ago that for a sales message to be successful, it must be told in its entirety. This means you cannot cut-out any part of your persuasive message simply because you think nobody cares. Sure they care. Your buyer cares. They want to know all the details of how you can solve their problem... and what they'll get in exchange for their money. So tell your whole story, start to finish each and every time you try to persuade.

3. Using Image Based Advertising.

Flip open a yellow page book to any niche, and what you'll find are a bunch of "me too" ads that are nothing more than glorified business cards. In the advertising world, these are known as image based advertising where you "put your name out there, hoping you'll get a response." This is expensive and is something you can't afford to do. The goal of your ad is to run it once and get a response. That is not possible with an image based ad.

So there you have it.