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Nervous with the fact that your tries to incorporate seemingly-cool catchphrases into your words come off as tragically outdated? (Let's admit it, we are really not all naturally hip.) This handy guidebook takes you throughout the life cycle of a typical slang terms, from "so in" to "so over."



Stage 1: Birth

A slang term
springs up from mysterious origins, whether they be lyrics of a new hit track or the latest time-saving chat-speak. Even though that these infant words may seem adorable, they have not quite cultivated into their explanations, that makes communication hard.

Stage 2: Childhood

As slang
gets a conclusive personality, it travels through TV shows, the World wide web and referral marketing. Celebrity endorsements also come in handy.

Stage 3: Adolescence

This is the
period when a slang statement is at its finest. The word enters popular pop tradition, so every person's stating it. And you ought to, too. Go ahead and be as ridiculous as possible in your utilisation of the expression. Pay no attention to all traditional grammar regulations, only to focus on a state of teenaged rebellion. Attempt to add the expression nonchalantly into almost every other word, and do not pause in adding it in class analysis papers. It is going to only help you to be cooler.

Stage 4: Young adulthood

By now,
the word has grown to become this sort of standard, that it's tough to imagine survival without it. If the slang is famous enough, who knows? It could even gain a unique place in the dictionary.

Stage 5: Midlife crisis

Here, the
glowing age of slang concludes. At one time so fashionable, the term at some point will lose its kindle. It's time to start seeking out yet another catchphrase.

Stage 6: Senility

You know
a piece of slang has came to the bottom of its life time when Dad starts making use of it. Enough said.

Stage 7: Death

In the end, every single piece of slang must die. Erase the term out of your language and ensure your buddies know you usually thought it was kind of lame. Tries to bring it back may result in total social break down.

Some Slangs :

I can't believe you

grounded me!

That is so bodene!!!!!

What did she just say?
Visit SoSlang to check the latest slangs doing the rounds in the streets.