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I lost my CCS because i vented in facebook and wouldnt delete the post that seems to have upset Stevie ... Fear is how Stevie controls and using CCS as her weapon ... Rebellious Truthful Bitch is My weapon

What cracks me up in CCS is no one noticed Stevie and her Admins camp checking these side sims othere people own with in 30 mins of a person logging in but if u go in the region Stevie's sim is attached to u dont get one camp check in 3 days before loggin off ... Dont these other Sim Owners see she lowering traffic on their sims and at some point her region will be all thats left? She is also along with her admins setting people up she dont want playing in ccs to ban them or make um mad to leave ... This is a repeat of how nor was ran yrs ago when it almost failed and Stevie ran to CCS ... No one see's this?

SL IM She - Some Person
 [2016/01/24 08:30] (Person Who IM'd Me): (Saved Sun Jan 24 2016 10:24 AM) Hello. Could you please remove the SL conversations you had with Stevie from your Facebook page? She did not give permission to have the conversation shared publicly.
 [2016/01/24 08:34] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): no i wont sorry it was a vent for being treated wrong by a admin and its in a totally diff chat my fb is not a avatar fb its my rl fb and how i felt and i dont feel i need to be forced to remove something from a diff chat program thats a vent and truth ....... im sorry the truth hurts ..... *hugz kotc sheJ*
 [2016/01/24 08:34] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
 -- End of Log --
 [04:32 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): That's entirely your choice. It's our choice to remove you from CCS. Have a nice night.

SL IM Stev ie - Some Person
 [06:11 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): (Saved Sat Jan 23 2016 04:27 PM) Nicely done Snowy
 [06:14 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): Tytyty i'm glad you where able to read my vent smile emoticon
 [06:14 PM] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
 [06:26 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I havent been on fb for over a year. It was sent to me but unfortunately nothing either of you said was true
 [06:30 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): it wasnt? i think it was all true ... u did not leave nor at top of your game stevie ... u r hurressing players with your admins u dont want here ... if im wrong why r u taking time to talk to admins about players sheets from 09 and making up nicknames about them .... i mean really if we r playing here and now i only been back in ccs a couple of months and already being hurressed just for standing at my home i rented in ccs logging in reading nc and im docked 5% of my xp because i didnt reply to a IM cuz again i was logging in and reading my stuff at my home i rent ... yet i stand in the sim region for days in doubles not on camp check ........ prov where im wro0ng id love to see it ....... when i post on my fb is for my venting and sharing needs be it about sl or my real life ..... sorry if my vent on truth here in ccs lately is the truth
 [06:31 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I dont know what this is about Snowy
 [06:31 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Nicnames?
 [06:31 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Are you sure this was supposed to be me?
 [06:32 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): And when I found you camping, I spoke to you, I didnt dock you
 [06:32 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): ask your admin that dicked me 5% of my xp sh clearly said yas dont think im what ccs if looking for and the nickname ghost and im some huge camper since 09 ... che clearly stated she talked to u about me when she stated all this ... ask her for the IM for search my fb and you'll find it
 [06:33 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Sorry, I dont know what you're talking about and yes, I left NoR at the top of my game, in good standing. I left combat for six months, I didnt roll over to CCS. I came to ccs because subby was here.
 [06:33 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I dont know anything about ghost
 [06:34 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): this is the first time Ive heard this and again those are not my words
 [06:34 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she talked to me about you being afk but I dont know anything about the rest of this
 [06:34 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and I will ask her about her Im
 [06:35 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): Ill past the IM if i find her name or my fb post .... i havent worn the meter since other then changing outfits and removed it
 [06:35 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): IM asking her right now
 [06:36 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): [18:35:11] (Person Who IM'd Me): did you tell her I said she was a camper since 09?
 [18:35:17] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): no
 [18:35:21] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I said I looked at her sheet
 [18:35:33] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): that she has had this problem before
 [18:35:39] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): never once said it was you
 [18:35:44] (Person Who IM'd Me): can I show her this post?
 [18:35:47] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): yes
 [18:35:50] (Person Who IM'd Me): thank you
 [18:35:53] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Because I'm the one that said it
 [06:36 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Snowy, why didnt you just ask me
 [06:36 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): you and I had finally made peace I thought
 [06:36 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): why would I say something like that
 [06:37 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): what did I do when I found you afk?
 [06:37 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): [2015/12/20 08:07] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Hi there, GM Admin for MIdnight doing a random meter check. if you are there can you please answer me?
 [2015/12/20 08:36] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): o0o sorry im here
 [2015/12/20 08:37] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i was putting wood in the stove for heat
 [2015/12/20 08:37] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): its okay...looked like you were ghost
 [2015/12/20 08:37] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): sorry that was my bad
 [2015/12/20 08:37] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): i just ejected you to make sure because of your meter
 [2015/12/20 08:37] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): tytytytyty for that in appreate that
 [2015/12/20 08:37] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): *hugz kotc*
 [2015/12/20 08:38] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i apprat that ( i cant spell the word)
 [2015/12/20 08:38] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): but tytytytyty
 [2015/12/20 08:38] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): appreciate*
 [2015/12/20 08:39] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i rather tp back then me in trouble for putting woodin the stove
 [2015/12/20 08:40] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): blessed holidays *hugz kotc*
 [2015/12/20 08:41] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): You too
 [2016/01/06 18:05] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Hi there, GM Admin here doing a meter chck. If you're there can you respond please?
 [2016/01/06 18:21] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): So its been past 13 minutes and you have not responded to me which tells me you are not at your keys and are camping your meter. You were given a waring and a sheet mark by anogther gm only a week or so ago for this same thing. I will be docking you 5% of your level as well as marking your sheet. The next time you are caught camping I will issue a higher dock and possible ccs dock.
 [2016/01/06 18:22] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Camping is against ccs rules. You need to be turning your meter to noncom or turning it off if you step away. This is your final warning.
 [2016/01/06 18:55] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): reading sorry
 [2016/01/06 18:56] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): thats fine ima stop wearing the meter and playing ccs for awhile cuz i cant even read a nc laterly with the camping check ... now i admit when im wrong and u can ask stevie but my gawd i cant even read a nc now and im camping
 [2016/01/06 18:56] If I do not respond right away I'm either flooded in ims or I am afk. If its urgent please send me a notecard as my ims do get capped often. Thanks!
 [2016/01/06 18:57] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Its not about reading a notecard. Its been almost an hour since I came to check. And its not just you, I checked the whole sim
 [2016/01/06 18:58] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): *hugz kotc have a good evening i wnt put the meter back on im done i undrstand your riles but i cant even rad a nd reguarding rp and im camping thats insane
 [2016/01/06 18:58] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i dont watch local when im in a notecard sorry
 [2016/01/06 18:58] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): or reply to IMs
 [2016/01/06 18:58] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I imd you. Perhaps then ccs just isnt for you.
 [2016/01/06 18:59] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): so anyways i understand ya rules and im a long standing player i admit when im wrong but ill admit too whn i feel its a bit much
 [2016/01/06 18:59] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): yep i guess it isnt for me anymore
 [2016/01/06 19:00] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): u have a good evening
 [2016/01/06 19:01] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Long standing player who has had this issue of camping sice 2009. I checked your sheet and with Stevie. But you have a good night and go back to reading your notecards
 [2016/01/06 19:01] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): ive had camping issues since 09 really?
 [2016/01/06 19:01] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): LMFAO look it up better in 09 cross dockd me and it was fixed beecause his scripts was off on sim
 [2016/01/06 19:02] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): then resently with stvie and i admited it yet
 [2016/01/06 19:02] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): yes
 [2016/01/06 19:02] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): and this time i was reading a nc
 [2016/01/06 19:02] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i havnt reason to lie the docking a careless about take it all i dont do much with xp and if u talkd to stevie she told ya that
 [2016/01/06 19:02] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): smile emoticon
 [2016/01/06 19:02] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): 9-28-09 3:02PM Gwen Gudkov Column update
 XP 80108 79108
 found in building in malka no response after 16 minutes so dettached meter docked 1000 xp
 [2016/01/06 19:03] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I an read
 [2016/01/06 19:03] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): well i got nothing on that one so sorry most likely i was ghostd and sim needed restart cuz i never was aware of it ....... no nc no IM or id member .... anymore?
 [2016/01/06 19:04] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): ut if thats the only thing sinc 09 im a bad camper person now?
 [2016/01/06 19:04] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): yeah that seems to happen a lot to you. thats on your sheet as well that your "ghost"
 [2016/01/06 19:05] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): this will be posted on a blog so u might wanna word thi ngs nicr and not so power happy trip u on
 [2016/01/06 19:05] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): so please go on
 [2016/01/06 19:05] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): shost because i wasnt wearing me meter for 90% of my log in time?
 [2016/01/06 19:05] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): ghost*
 [2016/01/06 19:05] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Threatening to blog this only makes you look bad my dear. I'm not power happy. Its simple, don't camp the meter and maybe you wouldn't be in this position
 [2016/01/06 19:07] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): again i was reading a nc .......... no worrys on camping like i said i dont need to wear a meter to be here ....... if thats all u got on me for camping since 09 and u r actting like im some big bad camper u got very lil im sorry
 [2016/01/06 19:07] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I caught you on 12/20 as well and gave you the benefit of the doubt. So yes, go ahead and blog this. It has been reported to a global as well. You have a wonderful night
 [2016/01/06 19:08] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): u too
 [06:37 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): we talked
 [06:37 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): mind u i was log in less then 30 mins when she checked me and tims befor i was log in less then 10 mins was checked
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): [2016/01/06 19:01] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Long standing player who has had this issue of camping sice 2009. I checked your sheet and with Stevie.
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): two separate things
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she saw that on your sheet
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she talked to me about you being afk
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I didnt say you had issues since 09
 [06:38 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): ask her
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she did not get that from me
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): again
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): why didnt you just talk to me
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): [18:38:53] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I have the convo on 12/20 too where I have her the benefit of the doubt
 [18:38:58] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): because she was "ghost" again
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): there was something in there about you ghosting
 [06:39 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): not a nic name
 [06:40 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): ghost referred to you being a ghost one of the times when you were checked, as in not really on the sim
 [06:42 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and yes, when I left nor, I left all my jobs in order, I was in no trouble, and I had done nothing to harm nor
 [06:46 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): I dont log sl and pay rent on a ccs sim to be hurressed everytim i log in just because i got a meter on ...... she clearly said she talked to u about me and bringing up 09 to 2015 is really petty to find something on someone who has played the game for yrs .... if thats ccs and its admins who wants to play in that? really? she was pissy i hadnt replyd to her as fast as she wanted .... bottom line she a admin not god and if she wants to be treated like one it wont be from me .... thats anyone in this game and most know that .... i posted my vent as it was clear to me and anyone who read the IM she talked to u .... was said in her own words ........ far as nor it was long ago stevie and i kinda member it different then your telling it sorry
 [06:47 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Its not true Snowy
 [06:47 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and as far as nor goes
 [06:47 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): ask anyone
 [06:47 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I left in good standing and you were already gone
 [06:48 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): did you see what i posted you from her?
 [06:48 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I never said that
 [06:48 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i posted u her words unedited
 [06:48 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and I posted you what she just told me
 [06:48 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and that doesnt say I called you a ghost
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and it doesnt say I said you had a problem since 09
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she got that from the database
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): not from me
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and they were not my words
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): ask her
 [06:49 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): if u didnt and she didnt mean it that way maybe she should learn how to reword things more clearly and not talk in suck a huff over delayed reply
 [06:49 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I didnt say that
 [06:49 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): such*
 [06:50 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): [2016/01/23 18:36:02] (Person Who IM'd Me): [18:35:11] (Person Who IM'd Me): did you tell her I said she was a camper since 09?
 [18:35:17] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): no
 [18:35:21] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): I said I looked at her sheet
 [18:35:33] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): that she has had this problem before
 [18:35:39] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): never once said it was you
 [18:35:44] (Person Who IM'd Me): can I show her this post?
 [18:35:47] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): yes
 [18:35:50] (Person Who IM'd Me): thank you
 [18:35:53] csse??e (Admin That IM'd Me): Because I'm the one that said it
 [06:50 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): she didnt need to bring your name up if she hadnt been talking to u about me
 [06:50 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I didnt say that
 [06:51 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she probably brought it up cause I was the global who was on that night and she did tell me you were afk
 [06:51 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): but it was not my call
 [06:51 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I had a call with you
 [06:51 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and we talked
 [06:51 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): yes i posted that in my fb too and also said how u was cool and not a bitch
 [06:51 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): no one brought that to your attn seems
 [06:51 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): no
 [06:52 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): but snowy, why would I go off on you after our talk
 [06:52 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): its public so u scroll my fb youll se it
 [06:52 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I dont have fb
 [06:52 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and truthfully I dont wanna see it
 [06:52 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): cause I thought you and I had worked our shit out
 [06:53 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): i post alot in fb good and bad ..... so u wasnt targeted in some random post it was referring to something that happened like i post on my other stuff
 [06:53 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): but it was wrong Snowy
 [06:53 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I didnt do what you said I did
 [06:54 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): so did i till im told im a camoer since 09 and u call me ghost or some shit has im offended cuz really befor i came back couple months ago .... i never camoed and everyone flippin knows it i hardly worn my dang meter as much as i was in ccs ... xp never ment to me like it does others and being treated like that and being told she talked to u yeah stevie i got upset ...... cuz ya know i never even camped in nor
 [06:54 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I didnt do it
 [06:54 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): why didnt you come to me
 [06:55 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): u wasnt online
 [06:55 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): not when we got done talking
 [06:55 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): you saw the post that I just got from cosette, she said I didnt say it
 [06:55 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): she got that stuff out of an old post in the db
 [06:55 PM] Sn0wy Babii Poser Kitten (vynessia.sorbet): and what i postd is how i feel after all this it wasnt to target anyone
 [06:56 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and it wasnt mine
 [06:56 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): ok well yeah but you need to know something from me
 [06:56 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): we do camper checks three and four times a day here
 [06:56 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I tell my gms that we have to be better than everyone else cause if we catch someone else, we need to make sure our own house is clean first
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I dont know what you may have heard, but those checks are done every day
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): and I am not trying to close down everyone's traffic
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I either help financially or by helping out most active ccs sims
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): have been for years
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I dont run my sims in competition with anyone
 [06:57 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): I have always thought of ccs as a community
 [06:58 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): of course you are entitled to your opinions, and that is mine
 [06:58 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Ive helped other sim owners pay their tier, have paid their ccs when they needed help
 [06:58 PM] (Person Who IM'd Me): Ive always done what I can for ccs

FB IM ? Some Person
 You and (Person Who IM'd Me) aren't connected on Facebook

1/23, 11:11pm

(Person Who IM'd Me)
Hey this is so dont know whats what. Snow I brought stevie into CCS She didnt run out and buy a sim. Two others and I talked her into taking over the payments with us for a friend in CCS and we ended up getting the Sim full time.Stevie is the only one of us that stood the test of time and stuck it out for the players...lil disappointed with ya Snow thought i knew ya.



(Person Who IM'd Me)

1/24, 6:33pm

(Person Who IM'd Me)

What in the fuck is wrong with got docked for camping now its like oh poor doesnt matter to you huh LMFAO you sure are rambling like it a cheese burger and chill out



(Person Who IM'd Me)


(Person Who IM'd Me)

You are a liar you are bitter and holding on to some grudge fabricated in your have alter Sl note cards in an effort to substantiate your position you camped you got caught and  the point is STEVIE is not the one who docked you



(Person Who IM'd Me)


(Person Who IM'd Me)

Im done with you and your ramblings you are just a spiteful angry person lashing out at good people Im done with you...Post my private messages attack me personally and Ill report you Im done with it and you as you should be also

Me Confo to Myself
Sub guy I havent r/p with in 6 yrs or so since I was in Nor R/p and he acts like he knows me personally :/  Wow
SL/RP Stev was involved in posting my rl 4 yr old son's real pictures in SL at a town RP meeting in NoR after I left, of my son's dog mauling (back in NoR befor Nix was my host she was my host and i told who i thought could be trusted about the dog attack/mauling and shared pictures) ... I left NoR cuz she got upset there about not being able to have that WASP concert on NoR radio when MC & I OWNED it with LEGAL ROYALITYS PAID and it was ILLEGAL to play that on a LEGAL stream and she ran to Sic crying about it ... then she rented a stream for her concert and that became NoR Radio when i/we left and made SiX Radio
Lost my meter because of a facebook post (not the camping as I was docked for it and thats ok)
 Seems a bit to controlling for a SL combat meter to tell u what u can post on your rl fb wall ... Yet its ok to be Harassed By Her SL Boyfriend, But then again CCS has been bought out by Stevie thats why it's now going threw the "Big Change"

Good Luck Sim Owner's Not In Her Sim Region
1-29-2016 Post Here Due To None Stop Harassment