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Stephie's Photo Blog

About me: My name is Stephanie, my last name is not important so we'll just skip that part! My age is somewhere between 16 and 25.I live in a town, in a state, in America! The things I like to do are: Sing random songs that pop up in my head, Dance, (whether or not there is any music playing!)Run around town wearing a Disney Princess outfit and singing to people, traveling and taking pictures! I love pictures! In fact thats what this site is mainly for, displaying my pictures! The second purpose to this site is blogging about the pictures. Which pretty much means I'll tell you what I was doing when the pictures were taken, stuff like that. The third purpose to this site is that I had to make it for school. So there you go! Now you know a few things about me and you have 3 perfectly good reasons why you should spend hours of your time looking at my site! Enjoy and make sure to visit often!

3 reasons why you should look at my site:

Here's some websites I waste MY time on:

Random Cartoons
Free Web Building Help
Its Myspace dude
Boredom buster