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You are about to journey through the Web Site of an activist. I may not march in front of abortion clinics toting signs depicting unborn fetuses being tortured. I may not rally a million men to converge on the White House, demanding the civil rights of a particular group. I may not stand on street corners with giant placards, decrying the end of civilization by the hand of 'God'. But, I have a message.

I am a human being, just like you. I have feelings, just like you. I experience joy, just like you. I get angry, just like you. I bleed and breathe and get hungry, just like you. But, I'm not you. I am me. I have thoughts and ideas which differ from yours. I see things that you might not see. I experience things that you might not experience. I like foods and hobbies and entertainment that you might not like. I am your child and I have a right to be me. I am your parent, your neighbor, the second grade teacher at your local public school. I am a human being, just like you.

The United States Declaration of Independence guarantees me the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It states that all [men] are created equal. It also says that certain rights are inalienable and self evident. It does not say that it's for the rich, the powerful, the beautiful...the Christian or Jewish. It does not specify an age at which these rights become manifest. It does not indicate a race or nationality or sexual orientation or even a gender. I've read it. Have you?

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