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My username is Brian Major and I am a gamer. I used to play all the time very hardcore. Now, I play casually. I never was the greatest at any game, but a Jack of all Trades. I was usually in the middle on any scoring board, but occasionally found myself at the very bottom and top of the boards for a particular game or two.

The name change is mainly because people can never pronounce my insane names. I just didn't want to pick a common name that other people use. I was known as hacker back in the day because in computer class I knew how to work DOS. No, it;s not that impressive but since I was the only one in the class that could, they would always say "Hey Hacker, I need to get this game runnin." Anyway, Hacker is too negative today for me to put in a username. I also played Quake III Team Arena and used the name Lightning. I just like lightning and rain so much but that name stuck for a bit because we called each other in class by our usernames. This was too common and I did not want people having trouble with my name being xXxII Lightning IIxXx or L1ghtn1nG 002130. HAHA. I hate those names. Brian is my first name and I just started picking words that were easy to pronounce. I was a major in an army game so I figured I would go with Major Brian, my wife mentioned that I play other games than shooting. I actually listened to her and found that Brian Major was available as and Xbox gamertag (ironically Major Brian was taken). So here I am.

My major genre was MMORPGs but this was mainly World of Warcraft. I cannot get into other MMOs so I don't think I can say I am a fan of MMOs, just a couple.

Here are the list of usernames, you may have met me before. You may have liked me, hated me, killed me. But hey, it's just a game.


X Box Live Gamertag: Brian Major (formerly Boranavin)

Youtube: Boranavin 360 (more videos coming I hope)