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Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Do You Suffer from Depression?
Mood:  bright

Once only individuals who couldn't function were clinically diagnosed as suffering from depressive disorder: people who stayed at bed the whole day, were thinking and talking about suicide and their lives in general were a wrack. Nowadays, nevertheless, we all find out that a person may function very well, go to work, take care of the kids but still suffer from melancholy. The degree of depression is the changing variable. It can be a acute depression accompanied by panic and anxiety attacks, a moderate depression and an easy depression. But even a situation of a light melancholy can cause you great misery. People who experience  depression report that they stopped enjoying life, stuff that in the past gave them satisfaction and Joy are no longer influence them in the same way. It is a terrible feeling loosing the taste of things.

What is the difference between sadness and depression?

We all have periods and days were we feel a little bit sad or unhappy. however, being depressed means that for a period of more than two weeks with no recess you experience feelings of unhappiness, inability to enjoy activities you usually enjoy including meeting friends you like and enjoying your social life it can imply that you might suffer from depression.Another factor is when it happens with no objective reason such as a death or breakup. sometimes a long period of anxiety and tension can lead to panic attacks and depression.

Individuals may live life without being conscious of the fact they suffer from depression. They can associate their emotions and the way they experience life to external explanations and to their lives situation such as I am not fulfilled with my work, I do not have an intimate relationship etc. Even though these elements have an enormous influence on our world, they are not the causes for our depression. People respond to the exact same condition in so many diverse ways.One particular indicator of depression is being passive; namely, feeling of helplessness,feeling that that it is impossible to modify your reality and shape it.

Diagnosed Depression

In order for a depression to be clinically determined one has to to visit a mental health specialist. The shrink will ask you many questions concerning the way you experience life: how is your sexual life?Do you have thoughts of having a  suicide? Do you plan suicide? do you have appetite and eat regularly? Do you cry often? Do you have social life? do you go out and meet your friends? Do you think about death often? Do you sleep at night? do you have panic attacks? how many hours do you sleep in a day? Those questions help the psychiatrist evaluate whether you suffer from depression or whether it is just a passing episode.

Posted by shirike at 6:38 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 25 July 2010 5:30 AM EDT
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