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Men's Rights Organizations
Sunday, 17 February 2008

News For Men

Posted by shark-jacob at 8:29 PM EST
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Wednesday, 13 February 2008

This comment was posted by david on men's rights organization


I know how men can permanently solve the issue of false rape accusations. Men could study and learn how the rape accusation laws work so they are not caught in a situation of being falsely accused. Men could secretly videotape every sexual encounter they have with women so they are not falsely accused of a crime they did not commit.

Some would say that video recording sexual encounters with women violates privacy laws. It may be true but you have to consider the worse case scenario. For violating privacy laws, it is six months in jail. For being falsely accused, you will get twenty-five years to one life term in prison. The Constitution forgives men that videotape encounters with women because it services as evidence against a false accusation and is protected by rights to a fair trial.

You can help men by educating them on how to protect themselves, using these methods. Show them how to secretly use cheap micro-tape recorders and video cell phones to record the sexual encounters. Show them how to secretly install hidden video recorders in their rooms and into their clothing that can capture the sexual encounters. You can show them where to buy secret micro-video recorders.

I have read a few stories on men who videotaped their sexual encounters with women and they saved themselves from a long prison term. Some are saying that 60 percent of men convicted of rape are innocent, and are the victims of false charges.

I read an actual story of a taxi driver who had an sexual encounter with a woman who later charged him with rape. The woman did not know that the taxi driver used his video cell phone to record the sexual encounter, which showed her asking him for sex on several occasions before he agreed. The police told him, "Without that recording you would have spend a long time in prison."

I saw another case of a woman that falsely accused 6 men of rape in Los Angeles. The men were charged with a crime and then they produced a videotape of the sexual encounter. The prosecutor told the media, "Without the video tape they would have spend a long time behind bars."

I read an article on the net about the president of the Florida chapter of NOW. She made false allegations that she was raped in the woman's bathroom at a collage. She admitted making false allegations and the police arrested her. The solution to this problem is to make more men's colleges so men don't have to deal with the fear of being falsely accused by a woman and they can concentrate on their studies.

On the subject of foreign marriage agencies, any law or regulation, which prevents or serves as an obstacle against a foreign marriage violates Article II section (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

Immigration laws cannot prevent, in any way, a foreign woman from living with an American man because it is genocide.

Example of a foreign marriage agency:

The reason feminist hate foreign marriage agencies, is because feminist lose their ability to damage men. Men can tell feminist, "No, I am walking away from you" and then they marry foreign woman, leaving the feminist with no access to the world of men. Feminist live just to destroy men but if men disappear forever from the lives of feminist, then they can not destroy anymore and they becomes frustrated with no more purpose in life.

Posted by shark-jacob at 12:51 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 17 February 2008 9:43 PM EST
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Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Violent feminist groups that keep attacking men


Feminist Alliance 

Posted by shark-jacob at 12:06 PM EST
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Monday, 11 February 2008


Influencial and revolutionary men's pages


Master list of men's links


Posted by shark-jacob at 6:32 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 11 February 2008 10:00 PM EST
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