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Welcome to The Setian Reality Church. We are here because The Church Of Satan is a joke (even one of Anton Lavey's relatives said he was a con man)! They claim to be atheist yet they perform rituals to the Christian concept of Satan! 

This to us is silly. We worship the God Set, as a real force in the universe.

The Egyptian God Set is the Lord of darkness that the Christian conception of Satan was based on. So Satan is a force in the universe not an "entity". We are realists. 

We have nothing to do with Christianity and its superstitions. 

We form The Setian Reality Church Jan. 2015. 

If you wish to contact us for consideration for membership, our church email is listed at the top of this page. Please study the God Set before contacting us. We don't waste our time with curiosity seekers.

If you wish to become a member of Setian RealitynChurch you must be over 18 years of age. You must be able to let go of Christian superstitions. You must have a firm belief in real magic. 

People who join us will receive our Setian prayer booklet by email. We do not post membership materials on this site or on any site. We are not a social club. We are real Setian magicians.

A word about the Holy Sophia-

The Holy Sophia (Sophia meaning wisdom) is the Divine Feminine in the universe. We are not like mainstream religions that see the God-Force as exclusively male. The lie that there is only one God was created in old testament times. And of course they see God as all male.

We at The Setian Reality Church worship the Pagan Gods and Goddesses knowing that it leads to truth.

They call Set an "Egyptian" God. We are White European. 

We worship the ancient White European Gods, but also Set. Set is a God of magic but also progress, perfect for worship by White Europeans.

We are proud of our White European heritage, and always include  the ancient White European Gods and Goddesses in our rituals.

We believe in an after-lfe, but we also believe in earthly pleasure.

It is important to point out that we do not see ourselves as "racist". We are proud of our White European heritage.

Any time that you are proud of your heritage, outsiders will call you "racist".

We are a religious order, but of course we have our own political views. We are true patriots.

Worshiping Set, the true Lord of darkness, storms, and magic, is part of Left Hand Path religion.

In Left Hand Path religion, sex rites are often used.

Sex rites can be done with a partner, a group, or solo. Sex rites are done along with meditation practices. You can read about Left Hand Path sex magic in detail on the internet.

If you become a member of Setian Reality Church, Priestess Veronika teaches these practices.

If you choose to become a member of our online church, you must be over 18, and you must send a picture of yourself in email.

Priestess Veronika is our High Priestess, Priest Mikey is our High Priest.

We do not accept just anyone into Setian Reality Church.

A note from Priestess Veronika about Left Hand Path sex magic-

I have practiced Left Hand Path sex magic since the 90s, and I have found that the person that you feel most comfortable doing sex rites with may not be the person that you are married to. Doing sex rites with someone takes a strong spiritual connection, but you also must be with a person who is good at fucking. Sex rites are a combination of sex and meditation. But the sex is very important. You must be with a person who is visually appealing to you.