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But you are welcome to watch its progress...
darya by me
Serious Glamour

There are two major problems with glamour photography: it is either in seriously bad taste or it is clichéd like the same phrase that turns up a hundred times in every bad best selling novel. This is not what glamour is about.

Glamour is about the beauty of woman.

To capture that beauty on camera is extremely difficult. To avoid pornography is easy enough, but to find a model who is able to pose unselfconsciously in front of the camera is almost impossible.

The best shots are the ones that are snatched when the model is not expecting it, but these moments are rare. A photographer has to find that point between these glimpses of spontaneity which cannot always be snapped as they happen (but take them when you can) and stale posturings.

Obviously, a classic pose is still a classic pose and I suppose will be artistically acclaimed , but a simple natural pose is better.

In the following pages I explore and illustrate these ideas and, along the way, I will relate some of the things that I have learned, which might help you in your own efforts to be a better glamour photographer. In this field we are all amateurs. We are mere men.

But it is possible that you might find this entertaining.
me by darya
me by darya