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I want to give you three rookie SEO mistakes that are made by everyone out there. I'm going to give you the solutions that's gonna get you customer coming to your website. Most people that have websites. Think of their web pages the standalone pieces of

content.These pieces of content you write your craft .You produce them. They put them on your website. You write the content and you publish it .Then you forget about it. People always do this .In their organic search strategy. Often the case that happens with blogs. 

People write a piece of content and then they forget about it.If they leave it.The most web marketers are not thinking about their content strategy properly. So this is point number one. Don't leave your web page in isolation.Always make sure that your web page is carrying some sort of link internally to another web page on your site.That way you're thinking more of your website as an ecosystem of content.

That's sitting there together and you're encouraging your traffic to move around your websites. 

The other thing that that will do, is it will also share the page value. The traffic value of that individual page with other pages on your sites. For those of you have been doing SEO for a long time. We know that process has been called laddering. As  you ladder your pages together you're joining your pages up. You're making sure that that SEO value that's coming through the domain Authority from  backlinks  it's  being  shared throughout your site.

The next point I want to share with you is about blogging.When you're writing a blog.One of the most common mistakes that people make is they put the date within the URL path. In other words on my site calm Ford / 5th of June 2018 2019 and then the content title.

Unfortunately by putting in that information with the date information. You actually causing Google to rank your page in your blog lower. If you excluded it. One of the things that we found is by simply removing date range information from the URL bar .You're going to be increasing the visibility of that post in Google search. Thus getting more traffic to come to your website.

The  third thing I want to talk to you about is how you produce content. Now most people think that they've got to write a piece of content absolutely every week without fail. So by the end of the year you've got these 52 pieces of content .That actually have

just been crafted put together put up on your website. Again those pieces of content are sitting in isolation not as part of the whole ecosystem. Here's the thing folks Google likes content that is updated. More than content that is just fresh. and new so once you've crafted your content you've put it on your website. Don't be afraid to go back to that original content revisit it re-up date it and then resubmit it into the Google search console. You'll be amazed that Google takes that content and suddenly positions that content higher in the search rankings. So guys don't make any of those three rookie mistakes anymore. Take onboard the learnings from today

and start applying those into your website. Watch the traffic starts of play. Watch the leads coming in to your site .Watch your sales pipeline increase. if you want more SEO Tips visit SEO Servces Perth