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Max's Search People Websites

My Favorite things about Searching for People:

Finding people is a skill, a skill that I have. So go find people! I am so absent minded! I lose people's numbers all the time! I should stop writing them on cocktail napkins huh? Look, we all need to find people at one point or another. It's all about people search, and I will let you know all about it. I know it can be pretty frustrating as there are so many sites out there providing you with people search engines that promise to help you find people. Which do you choose? Which report meets your people search needs? Is there a difference between people search reports from one people search engine to another? Or do they all access the same public records? Here at Search People we will answer these and many more questions, so please stay tuned…

March's People Search Update!:
People are really liking me! I mean, they actually like me! It's such a great feeling to be popular with people you thought had long since forgot about you. Well, maybe they had, but I sure got their attention with my people searching skills! Here are some more of those sites that are extra helpful:
Find a Person
Find Someone
Find Person
Google News: it may not be people search related, but it is search related...


February's People Search Update!:
Oooh! I found so many people over Valentine's Day. I thought of all my old girlfriends and found most of them! I sent them all valentine cards by finding all of their current addresses. I can't tell you how many phone calls I received thanking me. I feel so popular now! Here are some sites I used to help me out!

Finding People
Find a Person
People Search Digest


January's People Search Update!:
It is still raining! What is this? I think the rain is finally going to let up this week. The whole weekend was rainy, which was awful because I didn't feel like doing anything...except people search of course! Ok, I guess in that respect it was a blessing because I found a bunch of really great people search sites for you to check out!

People Search Today!
Finding People


December's Search People Post:
Hey there, Max back from a rainy CA. What happened to all the sunny weather? I guess winter has to come even's still a lot better than the weather back home. Speaking of, I'll be heading back East for the holidays so wanted to pass on some neat sites before I head out. This find people site has become a regular read for me. I also found this great article on open social. I got all my holiday cards out already, and already got a few surprises back; found my first girlfriend from back in middle school, and we're meeting up over the break. Crazy! This is why I love to find people. I hope everyone has a happy New Year's Eve--this year I think I may have my midnight kiss all lined up...wish me luck!

November's Search People Post:
Hello again! I hope that you've been finding all those people you've been wondering about! I know I have been having nothing but success with my list of people. I have a lot of people to find with the holidays coming up. Seriously, there are so many people I want to send holiday cards too. Luckily I have found some really awesome sites that have helped me out. I hope they help you too!
Find People Blog
People Searches
PremiumHowtoGuides=Proper Dining Etiquette ---unrelated but quite informative for holiday dinners!

October's Search People Post:

Welcome back to Search People, as you know by now this is Max coming to you live from California! Summer's finally coming to an end and I'm ready for the big cool down any day now, although October is generally still quiet warm. In people search news this month I have more helpful sites for you to check out.
Find People and Find Someone
Don't you just hate junk mail? I do, I'm also getting a little worried about identity theft, there's been so much in the news lately, I found this great article on how you can stop junk mail, an easy way for identity thieves to steal your identity Premium How To Guides - How to stop Junk Mail

September Search People Post:

Wow, the weather just keeps getting better and better here in California, gotta love it! So what's new in people search, hmmmm, I have a cool site to share with you:
Find Anyone Now - Finding Old High School Friends great tips on how to find all those friends from high school that you've lost contact with

August Search People Post:

I can't believe it's August already. It's summer, so I haven't really had much time to spend people searching. (It's just too nice outside to be on the computer all day!). I do however have a couple links that will most definitely help you find people online. Good luck!

Find People Online

July Search People Post:

I have some great people search links I wanted to share with you all this month. They have helped me tremendously with all my finding people and people searching this month, so thought they may help you too:

Marriage Records Blog

People Search Blog