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Batch file

Batch files are the pc handyman’s approach of acquiring things done. They’ll automatize regular responsibilities, shorten the required time to try to to one component, and translate a complicated approach into one aspect anyone may additionally operate.

You can type any command during a batch file. Some instructions, like for, goto, and if, enable you to attempt to do conditional system of the commands within the batch report. As an instance, the “if” command carries out a command supported the effects of a condition. Opportunity commands let you control enter and output and run special batch documents.

the usual errors codes that the majority applications come returned are 0 if no errors came about and one (or higher value) if a mistake took place. Please refer to your software facilitate documentation to look the means of particular blunders codes.

A way to write an easy Batch (.bat) record

Considering automation applications like AutoHotKey exist, lots of us have not written or taken the time to recognize bat files, and masses of don’t even recognize what they are doing.

In this article, I’m getting to expose you ways to write a smooth batch report and present a few fundamentals that a person ought to be compelled to recognize once writing one. I’ll moreover offer you with many resources for gaining knowledge of to write down batch (.bat) files just if you’d opt to cross extra.

Allows say that you honestly often have community problems; you’re continually getting on the cmd and writing in things like “ipconfig” and pinging Google to visualize what the matter is. Once a second you note that it is probably a touch extra efficient if you simply wrote an easy BAT record, caught it on your USB stick, and used it on the machines you troubleshoot. 


Script to delete files older than 7 days

Echo Forfiles to delete files older than 7 days


forfiles -p D:\Backup\ -s -m *.bak* /D -7 /C "cmd /c del /q @path"


echo Done! 

More information on: Forfiles delete files older than