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Our End of School Vacation!
*Cruise to Paradise*

Drew and I have been in school for what feels like FOREVER! Really, we have not stopped since Kindergarten. Come May 2011, we will both have Master's Degrees and be Pennsylvania State Certified School Counselors. No more classes, no more assignments or tests!

While in school, we never had much time to take a break. We took classes year round and held many part-time jobs to fit our crazy schedules. In our five years together, we took one "big" trip to Lancaster, PA to celebrate our anniversary.

The time has come to stop being held prisoners by the classrooms! Our diplomas grant us freedom! As graduation gifts to each other, we decided (AKA I suggested gingerly) to be bold and embark on an actual, exotic vacation. Booking this trip is a big deal since we are both financially limited and never really do anything fabulous for ourselves. Regardless, we absolutely deserve every minute of this tropical elopement.

On Sunday, May 22, we will leave from Newark Airport to San Juan, Puerto Rico. Before boarding our ship, we will stroll through San Juan's tree-shaded park, which is home to artisans selling hand-made and hand-designed crafts. Once on the boat, we will set sail for seven days cruising through the Caribbean. Below is a list of all the ports we will be visiting. Each page contains information about the island, excursions, etc.

*Website was created and is maintained by Amanda.*

St. Thomas
St. Lucia
St. Kitts
St. Maarten
My WebQuest
Top Ten List
