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Dear Sarah,

I think it is amazingly awesome that we are not positive of an anniversary date. There were so many days that were amazing and are very special to me. First, there was the day of the party. Spilling, screaming, and enjoying another side of the other. Then, there was texting about cool air. Then, we met at a coffee house and played xbox 360 after. We talked and talked and I took your hand. I was very glad that you did not object. We kissed so much that night. It will go down in history as the most epic night of making out on a parent's couch. But wait! There was the day you sheepishly asked me to make it official. You were so cute and amazing. Also, I cannot forget the day you gave me a gift and we talked of love around Christmas.

You are amazing. I do not believe the stars aligning has much to do with anything, but if the stars aligning did have something to do with anything it would have to do with us. You make me smile in so many ways that I could not begin to recall or count. There is nothing that I look forward to waking up next to you more often.

Happy anniversary, whenever it may be.