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My Blog
Saturday, 20 October 2007
The Beginning
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: San Francisco
Topic: Where It All Began

Like many of us finding our way in the world wide wander, I am constantly bemused by the amount of trivial information that exists in our minds.

I have no end game planned at this point, just a little background on me.  I am celebrating a speed limit birthday this year - Alive at 55 - so I'm well beyond what many young people who use digital media expect to encounter.  And like many of us, I know just enough to be dangerous.

I haven't set up a Myspace or Facebook page - I presume them to be the province of the young.  One daughter got onto Facebook just as it was beginning to take off; our other one who is in college is full on in Facebook.  Interestingly, the 4 years separating the two not only impacts musical tastes but they are also differentiated by the frequency with which they use text messaging.  The younger one using it at a far greater rate than the older one.

Allow me to digress and say that I was born in San Francisco but really have never lived there.  My mother grew up there and my grandmother lived in the Bay Area for many years so it was always psychologically home and I did work there briefly in the 1970s, but lived in Oakland.

San Francisco has such a storied past that there is only one way to describe it - captured by the fog.  There is no doubt in my mind that its setting exceeds that of most cities in the world though I have only seen a handful outside the U.S.

But this is where it began for me.  Now that I call suburban Seattle home after growing up mostly in the tentacles of Los Angeles, my fondness and respect for Baghdad-by-the-Bay has grown.  Even as the 'City' has been overshadowed by Silicon Valley and its large neighbor to the South, San Jose, the anachronistic yet progressive charm of SF remains undisturbed.

Seattle - my reality of some years - will be the topic of another day.  It, too, is built of a gold rush fever turned to technology - first planes then software.  Stay tuned, there's more to come.

Posted by sanfranman at 11:23 PM EDT
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