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Sand Mtn Fellowship
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Sand Mountain Fellowship

A House Church Group

  We are a small group of families that meet regularly in our homes for a meal and to study the Word of God. We come from various backgrounds and have our strengths and weaknesses. We do not have anyone who uses the titles of Pastor or Bishop. We do, however have men and women (elders are men) who are called by God to study His Word and share what He gives us to edify the body as a whole.We believe in the priesthood of the believer and that the Scripture is clear that we are ALL called to "go into all of the world and preach the gospel"(mk 16:15). Some are gifted in teaching, some in preaching, but all are called to be witnesses of the life changing Power Of God in Christ. The weekly (biweekly at the moment) meetings are for the purpose of encouragement, accountability, teaching and sharing for God's people, The true Church, to be recharged for the carrying out of the mission of preaching, living, teaching and sharing the Life giving Truth of Christ. We do not hold to any "denomination" but some of us do attend denominational churches from time to time. We are not "against" organized churches but we do feel that they have sacrificed real fellowship for scheduled and at times "man made" motions and traditions that mankind feels are pleasing to God. We feel that most churches spend so much time and money trying to get people to "come to church" that they often miss the mark when it comes to showing the love of Christ to the world (being the Church). The Word of God is often compromised in those churches in order to keep the members happy. We see in the Scriptures that the first century church "model" was to preach the gospel of Christ to the world and to encourage, share and hold one another accountable as we share one another's burdens in True fellowship.