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Dentist Review: In Mexico, Sam Dental is The Very Best Clinic Ever!

Terrific quality work really should be rewarded. That's precisely why I have written this assessment of Good Sam Dental in Tijuana. We went all the way from Tampa, Florida for a dental vacation. (As for the vacation aspect, we stayed at in Los Pelicanos Hotel in Rosarito, where we really liked a room with a view of the beach for $60 a night, and ate unbelievable food, - on the days we could eat!! )#) With regards to the dental care we got, it was world class.

I had Dr. Aylema Rodriguez, who is an impressive dentist. My wife had Dr. Javier Villa, and she in a similar fashion was extremely happy. They were both very mindful to not cause any more discomfort than what was unavoidable. I have never had any person who was so proficient at presenting me a shot of Novocain, and I couldn’t even tell when the needle actually got in. What really excites us is the results. We went in for cosmetic dentistry, which included crowning all of our front teeth. The significant difference in our smiles is like night and day. Words can not express how happy we feel to the staff of the clinic. We really suggest Sam Dental in Tijuana.

- Jim & Mary Baez, Tampa, FL