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Gift Ideas for Men for Any Budget

Men are often the hardest to shop for. Rarely do they broadcast what they are looking for or what they need. In fact, most men will buy something they need before they give someone the opportunity to purchase it for them. Therefore, when you are looking for gift ideas for men, you need to not only buy them something they will use, but something they are unlikely to buy before you can give the gift to them.


Foosball tables can come in a variety of sizes, including desktop models that can not only save space and fold up for easy storage, but can be inexpensive options. You do not need to buy the classic foosball table as a gift, especially if space and budget does not allow. Typically you can expect to spend about 40 to 100 dollars on a table.

Electronic Options

To save money on the perfect electronic item for your man, buying off brands, during the off season or during clearance events is the way to go. Every guy needs his electronic and computer components, reading devices, new phones or laptops are great items that they are sure to enjoy.

Supplies and Accessories for Music

For the man who enjoys music, there are hundreds of gift ideas for men that will satisfy their hobby. For the man who enjoys playing a guitar, consider purchasing him a guitar pick maker. These resemble punch mechanisms and can punch a guitar pick out of a credit card or other hard plastic item. That means your man can create his very own custom guitar pick and save on the cost of buying customized ones.

Online gift cards to download music or mp3 files are great for guys who are more “digital”. Cloud storage accounts are also great to purchase for your guy that allows him to store a multitude of songs and digital files without running out of space. These options are available for a monthly fee and can be annually discounted.

Memorabilia Options

There are hundreds of iconic memorabilia pieces that make perfect gift ideas for men. These are relatively affordable and can be found from a variety of retailers, which means you can shop around. Look for iconic pieces that can include his favorite brands (i.e. favorite clothing retailer, car maker, etc.) or look for pieces of history that impacted his life. You can find these iconic pieces in multiple forms as well. For his office, consider getting a keyboard, canvas print or even a lamp shade depicting his favorite brand or individual. For his garage look for posters, storage boxes and even collector’s items that he can put on display.

To find the perfect gift to fit into your man’s life, consider where he might put it and take into account his needs and personality during the decision. Gift ideas for men do not have to be as difficult as it may seem, you can easily find something for him that he will cherish and enjoy.

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