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Sometimes it’s not so easy to come up with the ideal gift. Finding great gift ideas for men can be elusive, and frustrating. But whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary or other special event in his life, there are simple strategies you can employ that will very likely help lead you to some unique finds that he will love.

You might begin with one simple word: lifestyle. And lifestyle can mean a lot of things. Just observe him. What does he like to do? What kinds of hobbies and interests does he have? Is he a golfer or a soccer player? Hone in on a sports-related gift that might fit nicely with his sporting obsession. Is he an intellectual sort? Perhaps a book on one of his favorite topics is appropriate, if you know his hot button interests. Other ways to go about it are to match a gift to the kind of person he is. Does he fit some kind of general category, like a family man, an outdoorsman, a musician, a tech junkie?

Another neat way to approach this is to get him the very best in class of an item that is within your budget. In other words, get the best you can buy with the money you’ve got. Let’s say you have a $75 budget. 75 bucks doesn’t go far these days if it’s a blazer, but maybe you’ll wield a great deal of buying power if you aim for the very best of simpler items. How about cashmere socks? Silk boxer shorts? A high-end shirt? Spoil him. Get him something he wouldn’t think to get himself, because of the price.

Yet another trick could be to go with what he knows, and what you know makes him comfortable. Sometimes getting him another of the same thing he’s always had is more than enough to show you care. Stick to the familiar. That could be a particular brand or style of clothing that he’s always worn; it might be yet another item carrying the logo of his favorite team. If he’s nuts over a certain band you’ll never go wrong with an album or piece of memorabilia from them, provided he doesn’t already own it. Sometimes more of the same can be the easy and most satisfying solution.

One way to please could be with food. Everyone eats, and everyone has a food preference. There’s nothing like getting comfortable with a favorite comfort food. There are so many catalogues and online stores with so many varieties of snacks, specialty food items and gift baskets that there’s something out there to please even the pickiest of eaters.

And with food comes drink. And some men like to have a drink - of the adult variety. If he does, chances are he has a favorite. Whether that’s a bottle of wine, scotch, or a specialty beer you can’t go wrong stocking his pantry with his signature beverage of choice. He’ll appreciate having a fresh supply.

Think also about the settings in which he finds himself. Other than being at home, it’s likely that the one place he spends the bulk of his time is at work - which means he likely has an office. If he has to spend a lot of time there, he wants to be comfortable. And like his home, he likely wants it to reflect his sense of style and personality. A timeless idea is to help him along in making his office the kind of place he’s happy being holed up. Give him items that will help him decorate and mold his perfect workspace - accessories for his desk, picture frames, or lighting, or a tasteful rug can add a special touch that he’ll remember.

Finally, if you’re still having trouble with just the perfect gift ideas for men in your life, an acceptable last resort is the simple gift certificate. Provided that you know it’s for a store that he’ll enjoy, you’ll have the confidence of knowing that he’ll feel in control of his choices, and happy with his selection.

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Makobi Scribe
