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Welcome to “The Samaritan and the Fig Tree”. This website is dedicated to bringing together articles on spirituality, politics, society, apologetics, and life in general centered around the idea that within these areas of life, there are systems and matrixes within them that need to be broken by truth. In other words, the issues and problems in these areas almost always are contaminated by people within them who end up setting up rules and systems that destroy those areas in life from working properly, much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ day. We will only see changes in life, revivals of fire, true political freedom, and an enlightened people once we remove the very ways of life that have set themselves up, proclaiming they will take us forward when in reality they are taking us backward.

The author is a Pentecostal/charismatic Christian from New York, a libertarian by political affiliation, and is a filmmaker, writer, poet, among other things. I pray that my views on life, spirituality, apologetics, theology, and political theory will be a blessing in your own life and will help you live your life to the fullest, empty of the things that have held us back for so long.