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What is the reason for Blood in Cough? Where to consult

Blood in Cough


An individual may sometimes cough up blood. Hemoptysis, is the medical terminology for blood in cough. An individual after seeing blood has to immediately consult a physician and take his guidance. Moreover, proper consultation is necessary. Blood in cough leads to more complications sans proper treatment.

 Reasons for blood in cough

You may see blood in cough due to various reasons. Some most common reasons for blood in cough are

· Bronchitis

· Pneumonia

· Lung cancer

· Pulmonary Embolism

· TB

· Heart failure

· Ulcers along the food tract

· Bronchiectasis

 Why is Blood in cough dangerous?

Blood in cough accompanied by chest pain, fever, weight loss, and panting may be serious. Moreover, if the blood in cough persists for a week or more it could be dangerous and has to be immediately diagnosed.

Treatment for blood in cough

  •  When you experience blood in cough it is always advisable to consult a respiratory medicine expert
  • In the first place, the physician will examine you and may ask you to undergo preliminary tests
  • Your phlegm and sputum will be sent for testing
  • The physician after the lab test results are published will decide the course of medications and treatments
  • Mostly, the treatments for blood in cough comprises of Bronchial artery embolization, Bronchoscopy or surgery, depending upon the treatment
  • Additionally, the physician may prescribe antibiotics or steroids based on the conditions

 Where to consult

If you face the scenario of blood in cough, the place you have to visit for consultation is Dr. Sabarinath Ravichandar’s Sabari Lung care clinic. The doctor is young, dynamic and enthusiastic. Additionally, the clinic is in the prime area of Velachery and is easily reachable from any corner of Chennai. Not to mention, Dr. Sabarinath, is an expert in respiratory medicine. He is philanthropic and his treatments are cost-effective and long-lasting