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The superb blog 9823
Saturday, 19 October 2019

Established in 1982, Colamco is a family-owned company that has expanded from a small computer supply company to a competitive reseller. Colamco offers a wide range of products and services for businesses and homes throughout the United States. This minority-owned company has over 10,000 consumers including government, corporate and individual. Colamco corporate headquarters is located in Altamonte Springs, Florida and field sales offices in Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington DC (as well as Altamonte Springs). Customers can receive their orders swiftly because Colamco has distribution centers located in 52 cities across the country. Interested in what types of products and services Colamco has to offer? Visit their website at to learn about what they have. They have a huge supply of computers and laptops to choose from such as Lenovo, HP, MSI, Panasonic, Acer Predator Triton and much more. Need a new printer? Colamco has one just for you at the price you are looking for. Just sort through their list to find the perfect laser printer or a high-tech 3D printer like the MakerBot. Colamco also has a huge supply of cameras, TVs, phones, computer accessories, storage drives, motherboards, printing supplies, modems, toners and cartridges, shipping label printers, headsets, speakers and more! The list seems to go on forever, so please take some time and visit You will not be disappointed. Now that you have learned a little bit about Colamco, please feel free to read our article below on computer supplies for your business.

Running your own business is a rewarding opportunity for so many people. Being your own boss has its perks, but it also has it’s challenges. One of those challenges is having to be the jack-of-all trades for all sorts of different situations (especially if you are your only employee). You are customer service, shipping specialist, editor, janitor, and IT specialist (just to name a few). If you are an IT company, then the latter is not much of an issue. If you are not, this can be a huge undertaking, especially if you are not exactly technically savvy. If you are working out of your home, it’s not too difficult to get your office set up. Best case scenario you have a designated space or office to get yourself set up. This is ideal when it comes to tax season because your advisor should advise you on the possible tax deductions you can receive for working out of your home (for example mortgage/rent, internet bill, phone bill, etc.). It’s also nice to have a workspace that has some natural lighting to it, especially if you are going to be in there several hours a day. As far as technology is concerned, you may want to do a bit of research to see what is best for you and fits your business and budget needs. You may opt for a laptop or a desktop, but just make sure it is something that you will be able to utilize for a long period of time (setting up a business can be expensive, so you want to make sure this purchase is a good one). You also want to make sure you have a pretty decent printer. Even if you don’t think you will need one, it is a good idea to have one set up in case you add a service to your business or have a last-minute need to print something. One of the most important things you will need to have is a reliable internet service (preferably high-speed). Other things to consider when working from home is to have a good network router, storage drive, extra printing supplies if you print a lot, and, believe it or not an actual telephone with voicemail. Most people live and breathe by their cell phones, but many small business owners choose to have a land line for various reasons.

Once you have all the hardware, software, furniture and whatever supplies printers on sale you deem necessary to run your small business out of your home, you need to determine if you are “qualified” to get it all set up. The good news is that most things can be easily set up on your own, or you can learn as you go through tutorials online. There are also services that you can hire to help set up your home network or even your whole office. Whatever you decide to do, just remember it’s always good to have a go-to source for all your computer and technology needs. One such place is Colamco, so please visit them at to see all of the wonderful products and service they can offer you!

Posted by rylanyiyu214 at 3:04 AM EDT
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