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Best Casino Basic Poker Tips – Hold’em



The best casinos online will offer several variants of Poker. This includes Omaha Hi/Lo, a variety of Video Poker games and the most popular version which is Texas Hold’em Poker. Texas Hold’em poker is by far one of the easiest to learn and best of all, incredibly fun to play. The best casino you decide to visit will always offer the guidance needed to get you started. Keep in mind however, the games objective may be simple but strategy and winning real money takes a little bit of smarts and talent.



Royalstar casinos want to see you succeed when you make the decision to play for real money. We offer some informative tips and give you the basics to get started. Our reviews give you an in-depth look into some of the best casinos online. For now however, we will give you some tips, which are common knowledge among avid players.



Before Play – Categorizing Opponents



When playing Poker at best casinos, one important aspect to remember is that you are playing against real people. The Poker rooms you join will have 9 other players seated at the virtual table. These other people or more defined – your opponents, all fall into a category. This means, they all have their own unique way of playing. Generally, Poker players fall into four specific categories.



Tight Passive Playing



The ‘Tight Passive’ opponent is one of the easiest to play against. Mainly these types of players tend to be the ‘Fish’. You can quickly pick-up on their strategy – they rarely play the hand and more than likely ‘limp in’ to the play. They like to ‘call’ but not ‘raise’ and normally will take part in the action with killer hands. For example, if all of a sudden you have one player across the table who has spend the past hour keeping quiet suddenly make a large wager – rest assured he has a killer hand. The Tight Passive players avoid risk and all you need do to avoid losing money to them is fold. 



Loose Passive Playing



The loose passive is a direct opposite of the Tight Passive player. This player lives for the action and enters every hand they possibly can. Keep in mind however, the Loose Passive player will rarely raise and very rarely bet. This player prefers ‘checking and ‘calling’. Keep in mind, this player can be hard to predict because they do in fact play every hand. But, a good rule of thumb to remember when up against him/her is you can be confident that most of their hands are absolute junk. It may be sometimes risky but it’s worth a go especially if you have the chips to face the Loose Passive player.



Loose Aggressive Playing



This player is also known at the ‘Maniac’ – the Loose Aggressive player knows no bounds when it comes to Texas Hold’em. Rest assured this player has never seen two cards he or she didn’t’t like. Generally you will be faced with a multitude of bets, raises, re-raises and ‘all-ins’. It can be difficult playing against the Loose Aggressive players because of the level of aggression – constant bullying is what you should expect until you knock them out of play. Our best advice on how to approach the Maniac is to simply wait for a killer hand, like a high pair or big slick. Let him or her bet all their chips and call it.



Tight Aggressive Playing



If you are going to be any type of player – aim for the Tight Aggressive category. This type of player is top of the game and a worthy opponent. This player stands at the top of the poker food chain. You will see how they play very few hands, but when they do get into the action all guns are cocked and loaded. This player picks their moments and has carefully timed aggression. Combine this with superior hand selection and you’ve got yourself one hell of a player. More than likely at first you will have to climb up the Poker ladder before becoming Tight Aggressive, so to start, just play carefully against this one – the Tight Aggressive player loves to mix up the action and the way they play.



Best Casino Advice



It’s always best to play for FREE first and the best casino online will offer you the chance to do so. This will give you the opportunity to read through helpful guides, strategies and tips before spending real money. Online best casinos gives you a unique opportunity that we guarantee you will never find at the brick and mortar casinos. Imagine walking into a Las Vegas casino and asking to play for free first so you can practice – you’ll be laughed at and out on your ass.



During your free play, while at the poker table, spend some time categorizing the other players. This will help you make the right decisions against opponents and help you exploit patterns and weaknesses in their game.



Remember: Poker is a game of information, keep your eyes peeled, pick up on patterns and always categorize the enemy. After all, poker is war.