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Invisalign continues to be a popular dental fixture. It can straighten teeth without using bulky metal materials. These are a set of transparent aligners dentists use on the teeth of their patient. Many clinics today use this as opposed to traditional metal braces. Here are some benefits of this product by your dentist:

These aligners are more attractive compared to traditional metal braces. They are transparent so you can still smile without any hindrances. Patients can easily smile and other people will barely notice anything, unlike the big, bulky fixtures of conventional metal braces. With Invisalign, people will not know you are going through a teeth alignment procedure. This is suitable for all adults, teenagers, and senior citizens.

It also provides a great fit. The reason is the Hollywood dentist creates Invisalign aligners based on precise calculations. He or she bases the aligners' structure on the patient's dental impression. Another advantage of this dental fixture is it is removable. People wearing these aligners can easily remove them to eat or drink, or to clean them. This will help you maintain proper dental hygiene.

These aligners are more comfortable compared to traditional braces. Traditional braces can irritate gums and teeth because of their metal components. You may also see results sooner with Invisalign. The dentist will use the same technology to create new aligners to adjust to your teeth as they gradually move into place.


Treatment Process

The first thing you need to do is talk to your dental care provider. Choose one you feel most comfortable with and schedule your initial consultation. Interact with your dentist regularly. You may even meet several dentists before choosing one that is right for you. This is an important medical and financial decision. The right dentist can have the best treatment plan for your particular condition. See which dentists in your area provide Invisalign. Not all dentists work with Invisalign, so you need to find someone who has proper training and the ability to evaluate your needs.

Your dentist will discuss your case in detail during the consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Invisalign can address your problem whether it is a case of simple or complex realignments. Your dentist will determine if this is the right treatment for your case. You can also ask questions about the treatment costs, dental insurance, and other concerns during this consultation.


Having Personal, Custom Aligners

Your dental professional will create an individual treatment plan and base the aligners from images and x-rays. These aligners are made of smooth BPA-free plastic that will not irritate your cheeks and gums. Wear them throughout the day and remove them when you eat and when you brush or floss your teeth. As you wear each set of aligners, you will notice your teeth shifting into the right places gradually.


A Simple Process with Occasional Check-ups

Every two weeks, you will start wearing a new set of aligners, advancing you to the next treatment stage. Make sure you attend occasional check-ups every six weeks so you can monitor your progress.