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1-800 Reconize Pet Abuse As A Crime

Ascione is a major problem in today's society. Numerous cases has been presented to court that involves pet abuse. There are over 2,440 cases presented on since 2004 (Gerbasi 360). The number of cases has increased over the years as more and more cases being added daily.

1-800 Recognize Pet Abuse As A Crime strives to obtain recognition of pet abuse in the crime world. If pet abuse occurs, its more likely the abuser will commit a crime against someone they know. Our Proposal is to obtain recognition that pet abuse can lead to other crimes. Also we hope to obtain donation to help support the surrounding shelters that are helping abused pets live a second life.

A battered woman returned to her home one afternoon, to gather her belongings. She was leaving her husband to start a new life, one away from being beaten. She had found her cat dead, hanging by the neck. The message from her husband stated "you're next" (Wickens 1).

In 1995 two teenage girls were killed by Paul Bernardo. Before killing the two girls, he had killed his wife's pet iguana because it had bit him. After the iguana was dead, he then ate the animal like it was food (Wickens 2).

1-800 Recognize Pet Abuse As A Crime also recognizes other views against pet abuse and crimes. "Not all victims are humans" (Wickens 1). 75% of battered woman who owned pets had reported abuse to their pets as well as to themselves (Loring 27).

So far in the United States there are only seven states that currently does not have any laws against pet abuse in their systems. These States are Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North and South Dakota and Utah("U.S. Cruelty Laws").

So 1-800 Recognize Pet Abuse As A Crime is trying to open the views that pet abuse can lead to bigger and more serious crimes. Our hot line, 1-800-738-2287 is taking donations and send them to shelters to help the abused pets. Please call and send your support to help put forth the recognition that pet abuse is a crime.


pictures of abused pets