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pictures video solutions
Passed POWS comments blog

Welcome everyone, this web page is a project that Dallas and I are doing for a high school class.
We are going to show you what we do in my 4th period class
which is a math class.
Every week we are going to post new videos of our fellow class mates in our classes doing
there class work, solving math problems, and having discussions about math.
I'm also going to post pictures and our POW'S(problem of the week)and see
if you can solve the problem better than we can. You can comment us, criticize us,
or write us your solution's to any of the problems we have. We would love to see or read
comments from all of our visitors.

P.S. Please tell us how we can make this web site better or tell us what you want to
see or read more about :-)

Hey there this is a video I made explaining what POW 7 is about, try to
"CRACK THE CODE" and see what the student's at room 137 come up with, good luck.

Pictures of the class.