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Warfare | 1/2/09 | R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger
- The X-Division Champion is Here! -

The Scene opens with the front door of R-Truths locker room, the camera turns and Todd Grisham is seen rushing towards the locker room door. Before he does anything, Todd takes deep breaths and calms himself down. Then he knocks... R-Truth is on his phone talking to his physio.

R-TRUTH - Hey, i gotta go, someones here, talk to you later,
PHYSIO - ok, bye
R-TRUTH - Come in...

Todd opens the door and walks in very cautiously. He fixes up his bow, and tugs his collar as he tells his own camera man to come in the room with him.

TODD - hey come in, i need you. Not this idiot
CAMERAMAN - Im coming, im coming. Geez Todd.
TODD - whatever..

Todd looks at R-Truth but he doesn't even flinch.

TODD - Truth, can i have a few words about your success at the Royal Rumble and about your match tonight?
R-TRUTH - Todd, your a great man, you know what. Im in such a good mood and i will let you ask me some questions. Happy now Toddy?
TODD - hell yeah im happy. Come on man, get the camera rolling.

Todd tells R-Truth where to stand, then the cameraman turns his camera on and begins to count. Live in 5-4-3-2-1, ACTION!. Then the red light turns on.

TODD - Ladies and Gentlemen, im standing by with the New, yes i said it, the NEW! X-Division Champion. R-Truth! Welcome Truth. Firstly id like to ask you on your thoughts about the title match itself at the Rumble?
R-TRUTH - Todd, it was the best night of my life by far. I just knew i had to get through a tough battle. As Wes placed Suicide in the picture minutes before our match it basically stuffed my plan up. At that point i was very mad at Wes. But now Wes, thankyou very much. It just made me look like i won the title with a 1 in 3 shot at it. I am the champion and Helms, theres nothing you can do about it!.
TODD - Congratulations on a great performance in the Rumble match itself. You entered number 9 and you were eliminated 20th. Great showing. Do you think you shouldv'e won?
R-TRUTH - Well Todd, my goal was to become champion that night. And i did. I wouldve been happy with either, winning a title or even getting a shot at Gold. And nearly did both. I couldve, but didnt.
TODD - Now, tonight you face Jack Swagger. Your strategy?
R-TRUTH - This message isnt to you Todd, this is directed straight at Swagger. Jack, your an All American American. You think you can beat everyone but you know what. You dont have something that a great wrestler should have. And as you know i have exactly that. Jack, i am THE X-Division Champion, i am R-Truth, and tonight, i will show you why i am the best, and i mean the best! in the X-Division and why i am the best in the EBWF!. Now Todd, if you'll excuse me, i have to go take care of some buisness.
TODD - No Problem R-Truth. Good Luck.

R-Truth walks away and the cameras follow him out of his locker, when Truth opens the door, he see's and American flag that has Swagger written on it. Luckily R-Truth seems to have some sort of Gasoline pen. He goes over the word Swagger with the pen, and lights it on fire. But R-Truth was smart, and only burnt the word Swagger and not the American Flag. R-Truth looked even more pissed and raced towards the stage.

Then the scene opened up at The King and Joey Styles.

STYLES - King, it looks like R-Truth is on his way to the ring for some one on one action with swagger.
KING - Stay tuned, because that match... IS NEXT!.

Warfare goes to a commercial break.