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The Noyes Level Ratings (NLR) provides a ranking of the NFL teams. The NLR is based on the winning percentage (WP) of each team, the average WP of each team's opponents, and the average WP of each opponent's opponents. In math parlance, NLR = 1/3 of WP + 40% of opponent WP + 27% of opponent's opponent WP. Note that the NLR is skewed toward strength of schedule. Margin of victory is not considered. WP is computed using 0.60 for  a home win, 1.40 for a home loss. The use of 0.60 for a home win and 1.40 for a home loss as well as the computation of the NLR using 1/3, 40% and 27% is arbitrary. An update of the ranking occurs each Tuesday during the season.

Click on the following links to see ratings:

NFL Nov12 Results

NFL Nov19 Results

NFL Nov26 Results

NFL Dec3 Results

NFL Dec10 Results

NFL Dec17 Results

NFL Dec24 Results

NFL Dec30 Results