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Welcome To Rivermeet
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Enter a world where fantasy and danger awaits you....
The Colony of Rivermeet
The elven colony of Rivermeet has opened its arms and hearts to any wishing to visit and those who wish to make Rivermeet their permanent home. The homes are built amongst the trees, some high within the branches that surround them and give them shelter and others are seemingly made within the trees themselves. The land is a magical one, full of mysticism and wonder, laughter and love. Queen Amelie and her beloved King Azareal have returned and hope to bring peace back to realm they so love. Now Rivermeet is a joyous mixture of many races living in harmony with each other and the surrounding forest.

There is a darkness behind that joy however, for some of the elven people had wished to keep to their isolation, not desiring others from the outlands within their home to taint the land or it's people. Though they follow the new King and Queen, there is one who would see them deposed of their thrones. He and his followers have taken refuge in the forest and a struggle for the throne has ensued, ensnaring those within the colony in a web of politics and intrigue and possibly, mortal danger.

Abbreviated List of Rules
You are accountable for the rules even if you haven't read them.


This is a newbie friendly role play room and we welcome Dragons. Room Owners word is Law. We reserve the right to one post kill characters and this cannot be disputed. If you are declared dead, you are dead. Gender Bending and Dualing are fine, please use common courtesy and sense if engaging in Gender Bending. Slaves and slavery are not allowed in this room. You may have servants, but be aware they are given full rights while they are in this room. Dragon riding is looked down upon by Dragons in this realm. Dragons who allow themselves to be treated as horses can be executed at will by any Dragon in this realm, and the rider shall be eaten.

Names and Tags

Anonymous names will be given one warning before booting. Ghost codes are acceptable.

Avatars and Cloaks

No nude avatars or cloaks. Keep private body parts, private.
Maximum width of an avatar or cloak may not exceed 750 pixels; the height is not to exceed 700.

Full Kill and Mirror Zone

We are a full kill and mirror zone. Meaning if we are unable to kill, capture or use magic in your home, then you can't do it here. Be warned though, we can still kill you, and certain members have the right to one post kill.

"Limited Magic Zone"

Major magic, powers and abilities will only be allowed if Room Owner gives written approval. After approval your character's name will be added to our published approved list. Without approval, your character's abilities may be limited.

Layout made by Empires X. Image from Guild Wars.