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My Corner of the Web

I started this web page to post the occasional thought and the occasional amateur piece of poetry. I figure it will fill my days. Some my question why I didn’t just start a blog, but the thing is updates to this website will probably be few and in between.  Most of them were written 2007-2009 so don’t be alarmed by anything disturbing. That’s just the place my mind was at in that point of time and this is a way of coping. Like I said these are amateur works and something I do as stress relief. They aren’t that good so don’t have high expectations. Also I won’t be editing them because of sentimental reasons known only to myself. Enjoy.


·         Untitled Angry Poem  

·         Content, Ignorant, and Blind (last stanza is a add on I’m not particularly fond of)

·         Destruction, by Self

·         Unwanted

·         Love

·         Broken

·         Useless Fear

·         Unnamed

·         Unmoving

·         A Thin Line

·         Arrogance (might edit or add too)

Short Stories

This section will probably never be updated as these were don for a Creative writing class I no longer take.

·         All-Kinds-Of-Fur (A rewrite)

·         Short story 11-3

·         My Book bag

·         Dialog

Contact Info.

I only put this stuff up to see if I had the guts too but I haven’t won the battle if I don’t put up my e-mail.

I've actually had this email for years, it's less used than my yahoo one but I still check it and I’ll be able to discern stuff from this site from the hundreds of junk letters I get.