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This is where I will tell the tale about the day I thought I was going to die. It was very per usual to every other day, as I was leaving for school I noticed my mom say I love you. She never said this, I thought nothing of it but I also thought maybe this was a sign for something to come, maybe she knew something I did not. Well, I continued walking to school when I felt my heart jump up my throat. I heard the loudest booming noise coming up from behind me, fast. It was a horn from a huge pickup truck with the monster truck tires. I quickly jumped off of the sidewalk and into the grass. Luckily the person was outside when she saw me jump into her yard and out of the way of this mad man in the monster truck. She quickly ran out to see if I needed anything, she said she was going to call the cops and gave me a bottle of water, such a nice lady.

When I finally got to school I was already on edge, I forgot about my homework that was due and was extremely frustrated with myself. I quickly turned around to run home to get my homework. I had to wait for my family to leave for their jobs but I knew by the time I got back to the neighborhood they would be good. I ran as fast as I could all of the way home and was almost to my house when I was approached by a man. He looked homeless in a long black trench coat and also looked like he did not shave in the past month. He had a knife in his waistband, but he was unaware that I saw it. Growing up in this neighborhood I learned to always be aware of who I am talking to. Anyway, I told him I was running late and could not stop and talk and continued to run to my house. I grabbed my homework and was going down the steps when I saw the man pacing outside of my house. I thought, crap! what do I do?

I did not have time to wait because I had to turn this homework in. I ran out the back yard and cut through the back of this rehab in Ca. I lived in a nice location so they thought a rehab center would be a great fit in the community. Honestly, I do not like to judge but this man looked like he could pay them a visit. Anyway, I made it back to school and felt relieved, just to find out there was a real fire, not a drill. I thought wow, good thing my mom said she loved me, it is almost noon and I've already died three times!