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Home Photo Gallery Rates/directions Resources Links Of Interest About The Delaware River

Welcome to Reel Pleasure Fishing Adventures

Live line 14-inch bunker to big stripers - or hunt down that 28 plus inch Walleye of your lifetime.

Year after year they come,, marching silently up the Deleware River,

the only sign of their presence being the flotilla of fishing boats and numerous riverbank anglers hoping
for a tussle with these powerful fish.

Striped bass have been spawning in the Deleware for many years and the popularity of fishing for them has increased dramatically.

Many people are amazed that there are fish weighing up to, and in some cases well beyond, 40 pounds in the river.
The sizes do vary, but it is not uncommon to catch striped bass in the 20-25 pound range on a regular basis during the fishing season.

Once the spawning stock begins to move up river the action begins.

These fish usually start showing up anywhere from the end of March to the middle of April and will remain in the river until the first week of June.

Fishing from a boat has the advantage of being able to move around the river and look for the larger schools of fish.

Striper fishing is available to any angler who wishes to give it a try.
Once you get a 30 pounder on your line you will be "hooked" (no pun intended) as well!
My goal is to guide and educate,novice and seasoned anglers throughout the NJ & Eastern PA regions.

My specialty has become Striped Bass and Walleye that swim the Delaware River and its tributaries.

I will hunt down your trophy fish, making your trip, one you will never forget.

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