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Becca n'ha Kynthia and Sorcha n'ha K'Tara darkover rpg page


 Then turning to the tower worker she added "Domna, I thank you for the  hospitality of your visitors room but if you don't mind I need to finish my

 errands in town."


"Of course," Linnea said graciously. She turned to the others with a smile. "Why don't I send for some tea, and when it comes you can tell me how the Tower can be of service to you."


Once out of the tower Becca visible relaxed. She had no idea how long it would take for them to test Liriel but had indicated that she would return

within one and a half candlemarks and decided she had best not waste any time. In fact, she thought to herself *If I get done before then maybe I can get a start on resupplying for the quick run back to Redil.*

After several minutes of walking she saw a group of cadets loitering near a candy shop and asked one of them for directions to Captain Castamir's house.


A second year cadet turned around. He wondered why in Zandru's Hell did a Renunciate want to go to Captain Castamir's for? Then the others looked at her curiously too. The second year cadet said, "It's three streets down that way and you make a left. It's a big gray and white house with white shutters. It's the only house with white shutters. You can't miss it, Mestra." He wondered if she needed help finding it, but he doubted a Renunciate needed assistance finding it.


Becca did not miss the questioning looks that the castle guards gave her since her business with the Captain, or more specifically, the Captain's wife, was non of their business. "Thank you cadet" she replied and quickly went on her way. It only took a few minutes of walking to find the house thanks to the cadets' excellent directions.

As she walked up to the house she removed the note she had written to the Domna from her shoulder bag then knocked on the door.


The Castamirs' housekeeper, Darissa, hurried to answer the door and hoped she could get right back to making sure that everything the Captain and Domna Berana needed for their trip would be ready. She opened the door and managed to hide her surprise at seeing a Renunciate standing there.

"Good morning to you, Mestra," Darissa said politely. "Please come in and warm yourself. How can I help you?"


Becca followed the women into the house. "My name is Becca n'ha Kyntha. Domna Berana spoke to one of my oath sisters earlier today about a possible commission and wanted me to leave her a note about setting up a meeting between the two of us" Becca replied handing over the note.


Berana smiled as she came downstairs and heard Becca's words. "Thank you very much for coming, Mestra," she said pleasantly. She took the note Darissa handed her and read it quickly. "We are hoping to leave in a day or two, so we need to make the arrangements as soon as possible," she said. "Shall we have a seat in the parlor and get started on that right now?" She smiled and added, "The kitchen is probably warmer, to be honest."


Becca listened respectfully as the comyn lady stated her business knowing that she would be unable to accept an immediate commission. "The kitchen will be fine although I fear that this may be a short meeting. When my guild sister told me you were interested in hiring me for a commission I was not expecting you to want to leave so quickly" Becca said recalling that in the past several of her comyn commissions were set up several ten days before her services were actually needed. "Domna Berana, I wish I was available to help you but I need to escort my sisters back to Redil in the next day or two."


"Actually, I was hoping to hire your sisters, too," Berana said regretfully.


Becca was curious to know why the Domna would want to hire her sisters also since she and Grania were the only qualified guides. However, before she could say anything the Domna continued on.


"The trip will be short, one day's travel each way and perhaps two days at

our destination. Your business at Redil must be pressing indeed." She sighed softly. "If your sisters' plans should change, you know where to

find me."


"Yes, it is rather important" Becca answered knowing how impatient Sorcha was to see the damage to the shelterhouse for herself. "However, if you tell me where you are traveling to, I may be able to recommend a local renunciate guide for you.


"We are going to visit my husband's uncle's estate near a village named Redimir," Berana replied. "I have never been there, but I understand that

it is a day's ride from Thendara." She smiled. "It will be interesting to see a new place, and I am looking forward to meeting my husband's uncle."


Becca listened as Berena spoke trying to recall where Redimir was since she had traveled through many villages in the ten years since she had become a renunciate then vaguely remembered a small village named Redimer a few candlemarks away from Srytis. "Domna, I know the general area and it may be possible us to accept your offer after all, but I will need to discuss it with my sisters. Would it be possible for us to meet again later this evening?"


"Yes, that would work," Berana replied. "Preferably not too late in the evening... if that causes difficulty, perhaps first thing in the morning?"

She smiled. "If we were leaving tomorrow morning, I would have known that before now... I am sorry to be cutting things so close."


"Domna, I think morning might be best also. It will give me time to talk to my sisters and see if we can assist you and if not, it will give me time to

contact Thendara Guildhouse for another trail guide for you.


"I am looking more for companionship than for a trail guide," Berana  explained. "I will be traveling with my husband and a small detachment of

Guardsmen, and I would like for Rafael to be free to enjoy the company of his friends. He is very considerate of me, and I do not want him to worry that he is slighting me by doing so. That said, it will be a very long ride with no one else to talk with. I will be glad to hire as many of your

sisters as wish to come."


"I do have a few more questions about your trip before I leave. I need to know exactly what you expect from your guide. How many people will be in your party? Will you be providing your own transportation or will I need to rent horses to ride or a wagon to transport your baggage while you visit your relatives?"

Becca had unusual commissions in the past but she had never been offered a commission solely for a Comyn lady to have someone to talk to and she briefly wondered why the Domna would not be taking a female companion or servant along. Ultimately however, it did not matter since if she and her sisters were able to accept the job it would help with the rebuilding expenses at Redil.

Becca doubted she or Grania would be much company for the Domna. Becca thought to herself that *Among the rest of my sisters that Mariel and Sorcha would be the most comfortable around the Domna and would make the better companions for her.*


"The Guardsmen will take care of themselves, and since it is a short trip I think one pack animal will be sufficient for both Rafael and me." She

smiled wryly. "My husband's uncle is not one for grand social occasions, so there will be no ball gowns in my baggage. Besides, I prefer to live

simply, which is a great help in packing. It also helps that we will not be spending any nights on the trail -- it will be a long day, 'tis true, but we

should be able to leave Thendara early and reach Greystone, the estate, by evening."


"Yes, it would be a very long day and the earlier you could leave Thendara the better" Becca replied thinking about what Inns and travel shelters were between Hali and the village of Redimer in case the group traveled slower then expected.


"We can't let a detachment of Guardsmen show us up at being ready early, now, can we?" Berana joked, her eyes twinkling.


Becca nodded glad to see the Domna had a sense of humor.


 "In truth it will take some planning, since we have children who are too young to travel -- our twin sons are only two years old, and our twin daughters are a year younger than that, so they will all be much more comfortable at home with their nursemaids.


Had Becca known the domna had young children she would have been a lot more reluctant to consider the commission. Once she heard the double twins would be left in Thendara she visible relaxed since her only other commission with small children was a major challenge for her and her employers.


 Speaking for myself, I don't mind roughing it a bit, and I definitely have better sense than to try to ride that far on a lady's



"I am glad to hear that. Most Comynana women are unwilling to ride using a proper saddle" Becca said reappraising her opinion of her potential



Berana's eyebrows rose just a bit. "I had noticed that here in the city," she agreed, "but to me it doesn't make a lot of sense if you have to go a

long distance, especially if you have to get off the smooth roads. I'll admit that I rather like looking elegant in town, but I don't want to risk a

fall or some other trouble when we're traveling and delay everyone." She flashed a quick rueful grin. "Being stiff and a bit sore for a few days is

worth it, though that won't be much fun, either." Her eyes twinkled. "Serves me right for not getting out more."


Becca tried not to smile even though she agreed completely with the Domna.


"Let me know how much you'll need in advance and I'll gladly take care of it," Berana said. "I am looking forward to your company, and that of your



"Certainly Domna, I will let you know in the morning but until I speak to my sisters I can not commit myself to accepting the commission. I hope you understand" Becca explained hoping she had not angered the Domna or lost a future commission if this one did not work out.


"Of course," Berana agreed easily. "I understand completely. Please tell them that I will hire all who want the work, and I will understand if some

have other commitments." She smiled. "But we can work all that out in the morning. You are welcome to come here, or I can meet you at the Silver Swan if that would be easier for you."


"I think it would be easiest for everyone if I return in the morning with my answer" Becca replied respectfully then added "If there is nothing else

Domna, I thank you for your time but I have other matters that need attending before dark."


"Of course," Berana replied with a smile as she got to her feet. "There will be a pot of hot jaco waiting for you. Our housekeeper has been talking

of making sweet rolls in the morning, too, so I will make sure to save some for you."


Becca smiled to herself wondering if the Domna was trying to bribe her with sweet rolls; but didn't know the Comyn Lady well enough to make a joke about being bribed.


Graciously she saw the Renunciate to the door. "I wish you good fortune with the rest of your errands."


Becca nodded as she left the house and resumed her errands.

After Becca left Domna Berana's house she quickly made her way to Thread Needle street and the McDaoevid shop. Once in the shop she noticed that Mestra Hannah was with another customer so Becca went over to where the winter capes were displayed trying to find one that Grania would like. As much as she would have liked to have carried out her threat to get Grania a pink or orange cloak she did not see any. Finally she narrowed her choice down to several red or blue cloaks she thought her freemate would like.


After Hannah's customer left she noticed the Renunciate that was interested in the cloaks was back. Hannah came over to her smiling, "Greetings, Mestra. I am glad you have come back. Would you like me to proceed with the alterations to your cloak? I can have it ready first thing tomorrow morning. Would that be all right?"


"Please do and I will return in the morning to pick it up. I would also like to pick out a second cloak for my freemate." Becca said as she pulled

several cloaks from the rack to further examine them.


Hannah smiled and nodded, "We have many colors to choose from. What color do you think your freemate would favor more, Mestra?"


"I threatened to get her a pink or orange one since she said she wanted any color but brown" Becca said with a chuckle " but somehow I don't think that is a good idea. She wants something colorful, but I am concerned that we could never keep it clean since we are on the trail for several moons at a time. What would you recommend?"


Hannah thought and moment and said, "Perhaps one of our darker colors would be nice." Hannah brought over a dark blue cloak and a dark green one, both in solid, rich colors. "She may like one of these, Mestra. I also have a very nice dark gray, and there is black, of course. I also have a very nice dark purple. What of these do you think she would like, Mestra?"


Becca looked at the two cloaks the shopkeeper showed her. Becca personally preferred the blue one but knowing that Grania usually disagreed with Becca's choices said "I think she would prefer the green one. I'll be back in the morning for my cloak" Then taking out her money she added "If you let me know how much I owe you for the green one I would like to take it with me now.'


Hannah said, "Since you are buying two cloaks we agreed on the ten percent off marked price, Mestra." Hannah did the math in her head and told Becca what the price would be.

Becca smiled and said "I'm sure my freemate with like the cloak" as she paid her for the cloak. Picking up the new cloak Becca and heading towards the door Becca added "Mestra, I'll be back in the morning for my cloak">>

Hannah nodded, "Good afternoon then, Mestra. I will see you tomorrow." Then Hannah went over to her mother, Katerina. "I think while it's quite I
will work on these alterations for the Mestra's cloak and the Domna's skirt. Will you watch the store, Mother?"

Katerina stopped her holding briefly, "Of course, Hannah. I will let you know if I need you.", and the two set about their duties.